"I guess the talk went well, huh?" Sam says.

"Guess so. I'll give you three a few minutes then I'll talk to Dean about the papers." Amanda says.

Sam smiles at her in acknowledgment. Amanda walks back to her car and Sam strides over to his brother and his new daughter.

"Hey Dean." Sam says as he greets the two.

Dean stops hugging Ava. He stands up and looks at Sam. He takes Ava's hand in his own.

"Hey Sam. This is Ava." Dean says proudly.

Ava stretches her neck up to see Sam's face.

"Hiya Sammy." She says.

Both Sam and Dean laugh at her greeting. She sounded so much like Dean.

"Hey there kiddo." Sam says crouching down to her.

He smiles at her. "I hear you're going to be joining us. You know about our hunting adventures?"

Ava nods in response. "I want to be with you and Dad."

Dean sucks in a breath. She called him Dad! He looks over at Sam. He smiles proudly at his older brother. Sam looks back at Ava.

"You're going to be a natural, Ava!"  She beams up at Sam, clearly thrilled to be part of the team. Dean chuckles, feeling grateful to have his brother and daughter connecting so quickly.

"We'll have to get you trained up, Ava. But first, let's get the paperwork sorted with Amanda." Dean says, gesturing towards Amanda, who was walking back towards them.

Dean leaves Ava with Sam as he walks over to meet with Amanda.

Here is the conversation between Dean and Amanda before he signs the papers:

"Dean, before we sign these papers, I just want to make sure you understand the legal implications." Amanda says as Dean walks up to her.

"Yeah, I know. I'm adopting Ava and becoming her legal guardian." He says eagerly

"That's right. And as her legal guardian, you'll have all the rights and responsibilities that come with it." Amanda says

"I understand. I'm ready for this, Amanda." He replies

"I know you are, Dean. And I trust you to take good care of Ava. But just to cover all our bases, I want to make sure you understand that this means you'll be responsible for her financially, emotionally, and legally."

"Absolutely. I'm committed to providing for her and giving her the best life possible." Dean says in a serious voice. He wanted to show Amanda he was ready for this.

"Great. Then let's sign these papers and make it official." She says happily

Dean picks up the pen and starts signing the packet of papers. When he was finished, he put down the pen and handed Amanda the papers to Amanda.

"I can't believe it's finally happening, Amanda. I've wanted to be a dad for so long." Dean says, waking up to Amanda

"I know, Dean. And I'm so glad it's you who's taking care of Ava now. She loves you already." Amanda replies.

"I love her too. I promise to give her the best life possible." Dean smiles.

"I know you will. You're a good man, Dean. And I'm grateful for everything you've done for her ."

"It's the least I could do. You've been an amazing caregiver to Ava. I'll always be grateful for that." Dean says

As they finish signing the papers, they share a warm smile, both excited for the new chapter in Ava's life.

"These are all of Ava's belongings." Amanda says, handing Dean a large duffel bag.

"I'll be in touch Dean." Amanda says as she leaves.

"Thank You. I'll talk to you later." Dean says as he packs up Ava things.

Dean waves Amanda bye as she gets into her car.

Waking back to Sam and Ava he smiles to himself. He has a daughter. His dream has come true. She's all his.

"You ready to go kiddo!" Dean says as he walks up to the two.

"Yeah. Let's go!" She practically yells as she starts running toward Dean's car.

Sam and Dean chuckle as they walk after her.

"Are you ready for this man?" Sam says to his brother

"More than anything." Dean says

Sam climbs into the Impala and Dean helps Ava into her seat.

After putting Ava's bag in the back seat, Dean goes to the driver's seat as he starts the car.

The sun is setting as Dean drives away on the old road. His life was about to change for the better.

~1293 words

Happy Easter Everyone 🐣💜💛💖

Hope you liked this chapter. I ran out of ideas. Y'all let me know what you thought.

I am so sorry for such a long wait. I really am gonna try to make these updates closer together.

If you have any ideas, requests or comments on this story or others, feel free to message me! 🧡🧡

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