Reality Check

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**In the Impala**

Sam and Dean were sitting in the car in silence as they rode along a two way road. The sun was setting behind them as they started looking for motels to stay at once they hit Louisiana. Sam still had no idea why Dean stole them away to New Orleans.

Looking over to his left Sam notices that Dean looked a little off and kinda scared. His older brother who was usually stone faced or singing loudly along to metal music, was just looking far out into the road and gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles were turning white.

Sam, now concerned for his older brother, starts to panic. Dean's forehead was slightly beaded with sweat and Sam noticed he looked a few shades paler. And his breath was shallow and coming out in short gasps.

Sam quickly took the wheel from Dean and without any protests from his brother, Dean allowed Sam to push him out of the driver's seat.

Sam pulled the Impala off the road and immediately looked over to his brother whose condition hadn't changed.

"Dean!" Sam half yells not wanting to get slapped by Dean's short temper. "Dean answer me!"

The older hunter slowly shifts his head towards Sam. "Dean, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Sam says, trying to figure out what was happening to his brother.

"I I I don't know Sammy" Dean says shakily. "I was just thinking about ... well it doesn't matter but I just started feeling like crap."

"Just try to calm down, Dean. Let me take over and you rest. I'll get the motel." Dean reluctantly agrees.

Now sitting in the passenger seat of his car, Dean relaxes slightly and leans his head against the cool glass window. Sam continues the drive to the motel.

Dean was drifting in and out of consciousness by the time Sam pulled into the parking lot of a motel.

"Dean, come on. Let's get in the room and sleep in a bed, not the car." Sam says lightheartedly.

They two brothers move into the motel room and while Dean just flops onto the bed and immediately falls asleep, Sam starts thinking. 

What in the world could his brother have been thinking about to send him into that much distress.  Even so much to where he won't tell his own brother what it was.

Sam eventually drifts off to sleep comforted by his big brother's soft snoring coming from across the room.


Dean wakes up not really aware of where he was. He didn't remember much from last night. Only that he got dizzy and Sam had to take over the car.

Taking in his surroundings he notices that he only had a few hours before needing to meet the CPS lady and still had to get to  New Orleans.

Frantically, Dean wakes up Sam and tries to rush him out the door. But of course Sam wants answers before blindly running out of the motel.

"C'mon Sammy." Dean pleads. "I'll explain later but I need to get to New Orleans, like now!"

"Okay okay, fine" Sam agrees, still confused.

After quickly checking out of the motel and wiping their room of any evidence, Sam and Dean speed away in the Impala.

"Soooo" Sam drags out as they start out on the road.

"Wanna tell me what yesterday was all about?"

Dean either didn't hear Sam or was choosing to ignore him because he kept his eyes trained on the road ahead of them.

"C'mon Dean you're gonna have to tell me eventually. Whatever is going on with you, you have to face it eventually."

"Fine." Dean spits out angrily.

"You wanna know what's going on with me?"

"Yes Dean if it will help you!"

Dean takes a slow, shaky breath and says,  just loud for Sam to hear him, "I think I'm a father."

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