The Talk

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Sam stares at Dean in shock and disbelief. His big brother. Basically the man who single - handedly raised him. Was so scared that he was going to be a father, that it drove him into a panic attack.

Dean couldn't bring himself to meet his younger brother's gaze, so he just stared at the floor.

"I don't know what to do Sammy" he says, voice breaking.

"I do. You go and you meet your kid. Dean, you are the best father I could've ever had. I know that you will be able to care for and love this child."

Dean stares at his brother, dumbfounded.

"You really think I can be a father to a little kid?"

"The hell I do. You raised me and I didn't turn out half bad." Sam says, trying to lift his brother's spirits.

Dean takes a slow deep breath and says, determinedly, "Then what the hell are we waiting for? Let's get to New Orleans."

***2 hours of driving later***

Dean wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans as he pulls up on the curb of the park where he was to meet the CPS worker.

"You'll be fine Dean. you just have to be yourself." Sam reassures his older brother

"What if she thinks I'm not fit to be a dad." He frets

"She won't. Now get your ass out there and just talk to her."

"Fine, fine" he grumbles

Dean slowly walks towards the picnic table where the lady was. As he approached her, he tried to look calm and not show how nervous he actually was.

It didn't work.

"Hello. You must be Dean. We spoke on the phone." The woman greets him with a smile as he draws closer to her.

"Yeah that's me." He says semi- confident. "

"I'm Amanda." She says, holding out her hand.

Dena shakes her hand and nods in acknowledgment.
                                                                                            "So. How does this work?"

"I'm just going to ask you some questions and then we will arrange a meeting time for you and your daughter." Amanda instructs.

What questions? What if I answer wrong? What if I'm not good enough? Dean's thoughts echo throughout his brain.

He forced himself to push down his thoughts, and not trusting his voice, just nodded in response.

"Okay first. Do you have any previous knowledge of children?" Amanda asks.

"Well I practically raised my younger brother ever since he was 6-months old. Does that count?"

"Yes. Uhm, not to pry but why did you have to raise your brother?"

"It's a long story, but basically our dad traveled a lot for work and was never really around and after our mom died when I was 4, he became distant. I promised myself to always protect Sammy, no matter what."

"Oh, I'm so sorry you had to go through that." She says sympathetically.

"It's all right. That was a long time ago." Dean says quickly. Not wanting to have any chick flic moments. "Are there any other questions for me?"

"Yes. Do you understand that raising a daughter is different from raising your brother? You can't treat her the same way. She might not understand." Amanda explains

"I understand." Dean says thoughtfully

"Do you have the right equipment for a child?" Amanda asks.

"Not yet. But, my brother, Sam, is at the store right now getting everything we could need." Dean answers

"Good." Amanda responds. "Do you have a stable home environment?"

Dean gets nervous when she asks this. He's a hunter. Of course they don't have a stable home.

"Umm. My work takes me all over. Me and Sam. We travel together all around the states. We are usually in a new place every 2-3 weeks." Dean looks down a little afraid that his answer just blew away his shot at seeing his daughter.

"Is that a problem?" He asks shyly

"Not at all." Amanda says

Dean sighs in relief.

"You said you raised your brother that way and as far as I can tell, he grew up just fine. But if you are going to move around that frequently, you and I will have to make monthly calls just so I can check in on your daughter's progress and I can track her growth." She explains

"That's perfectly fine." Dean says excited, that the interview was going really well.

"Well that's all the questions I have for you." Amanda says. "Do you have any comments or questions for me"

"Just one." Dean replies. "When can I meet her?"

"As early as tomorrow morning. We need to prepare Ava for having a new family."

This made Dean a little nervous.

"Do you think she'll even want to come with me? She has never seen me before in her life. I'm a stranger to her."

"Of course she'll want you, Dean. It's all she's been babbling about. Just repeating 'Daddy' over and over. It's like she knows you are coming."

"Oh that's a relief." Dean says with a grin.

Amanda and Dean continue talking about meeting Ava for the next 20 minutes until Sam walks up to them indicating that he has finished shopping for her supplies.

"Hello, I'm Sam, Dean's brother." Sam says introducing himself to Amanda

"Hi Sam, I'm Amanda. Your brother and I were just talking about meeting his daughter."

Sam's eyes light up with excitement.

"I take it the interview went well then?" He inquires

"Yep!" Dean says chirpily. "Me and you are going to get everything set up tonight and tomorrow me and Amanda will go and I can finally meet Ava!"

"Well then. I better go tell Ava the good news. She'll be so excited." Amanda says and she starts to stand up.

"I'll meet you at 9 tomorrow, back here at the park." She says, walking to her car.

"Can't wait." Dean calls out after her.

The two hunters watch as Amanda drives away and continues down the road.

Dean turns to look at his brother.


"Yeah Dean."

"You're gonna be an uncle." He says with a strange look on his face.

"I guess I am!" Sam replies laughing.

"C'mon Bitch. Let's go set up Ava's stuff in the hotel room and get some dinner. I'm starving."

"Sounds like a plan." Sam agrees and a moment later, he realizes, "Jerk!"

And with that the pair walk towards the Impala and speed away to their hotel.

~1065 words. Wow! Guys. Lemme know how I did. My first long chapter. Have a great day! 🧡

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