12 | Sparks Fly When Demons Die

Start from the beginning

That's if we made it out.

Two grull demons jumped in front of us, blocking our path.

Whipping around to retrace our steps, we were faced with another pair.

Soon enough, we were surrounded.

"Ready to fight?" Kingsley asked me.

I cast a petrified look up at him.

"Not really," I squeaked.

"Well that sucks," he replied, lunging forward to land a kick to one of the demons heads.

"Oh. We're really doing this. Okay!" I muttered, sliding the gun from my pocket.

"Get down!" I cried and Kingsley turned to stare at me, confused.

"What?" he asked.

"Down! Get down!" I repeated and he did so.

Closing my eyes, I fired the gun repeatedly, spinning in a circle.

Don't remind me how much of a risky move that was.

I paused for a second, not opening my eyes, afraid of what I would see.

"Open your eyes goddammit!" Kingsley yelled and I flicked them open, flinching back just in case.

Three of the ten demons were collapsed on the ground and he saw quickly to beheading them with my knife.

Now there was just one problem.

I was out of bullets.

And there were still seven upright, very angry looking grull demons surrounding me.

"Uh...Kingsley?" I called and he turned to face me.

"Oh..." he replied, the colour draining from his already colour-less face.

"Emiel...what do we do?"


And he kissed me.

My eyes widened as his lips pressed against mine.

That were attached to his stupid, irritating, extremely attractive face.

The world was spinning so fast and it felt like I was about to throw up...but like...in a good way.

He pulled away, eyes wide as mine.

"Lily..." he breathed.

"That's my name," I replied, my own voice as breathy as his.

"There are demons," he remarked, out of it.

"Mhm," I agreed, my wide eyed gaze meeting his.

Though he was a little more deer in headlights.

"Demons...bad," he stuttered.

"Yeah. They are," a voice replied and the two of us crashed back to earth.


And demons.

Lots of demons.

Very close to me.

With teeth.

I screamed, jumping backwards as Angel began to fight them all off, single handedly.

"How come you couldn't fight like that?" I asked...the guy next to me.

He exhaled very slowly.

"I don't think any true answer is gonna make whatever just happened any better,"


Oh God.

I didn't know whether to blush or scream or cry or run away or all of them at once.

And there was another thing on that list I was far too terrified to mention. Kissing him again.

"Mhm," I squeaked.

Because he was right.


The hell.

Just happened?

The final demon crashed to the ground and we both turned to face Angel.

"Yo'ure welcome," he spoke and I nodded, my face heating up.

"Mhm," I repeated, as if that was the extent of my vocabulary.

"Thanks,"...he managed, brushing past the two of us, his bare arm touching mine.

Something jolted through me, like a sudden burst of electricity and my head began to spin.

I couldn't think of anything but him.


This is not good.

"Are you okay?" Angel asked me, confused and concerned.

"Mhm," I whispered before the world turned black.

(A/N: AHHHHHHHH!!!! I told you it wouldnt be as much of a slowburn as IN3IWU!!! But hey, i gotta tell you, things have to get worse before they get better and this story ain't over yet. Stay safe and totally tubular and I'll see you all in the next one xx)

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