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- D O M I N I C -

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- D O M I N I C -

I look at my daughter.

"Because you were bored?" She nods her head with a satisfied look on her face while Wyatt just looks like he's gonna start laughing any minute.

"Malina, we all know there had to have been a reason to do what you did, what was it?" I pressured, I know I shouldn't have but she deleted important documents and I want to know why.

She narrowed her eyes at me "you hurt my mother and since I'm older now I decided to pay you a visit and leave a little mark" she retorted. I do know I hurt Stella and for that I will live in regret and guilt for the rest of my life for what I did.

I sighed "a little mark? You wiped very important and valuable files and documents". She just shrugged once again. She looks like Leo but acts exactly like Carlos that it's almost scary.

"I would like to set some ground rules since you will be living here-" she cut me off "for three years" I nodded "sure" I replied. There was no way I was going to just let her leave just like that. Of course if she'd want to that's fine but I want to give her a reason to stay. Be the father she probably never had and I want to take care and love the daughter I never knew I had.

"So the first rule, respect us and we'll respect you" they seemed satisfied with that one as they just nodded.

"Second, dress appropriately. I have no problem in what you wear as long as it's not too revealing".

"Third, cursing is allowed but keep it at a minimum"

"Fourth, no drinking, smoking or doing any type of drug" I caught a little smirk playing on Wyatt's face and Malinas lip slightly curled up.

"Fifth and final one, no dating. Not until you are At least seventeen or eighteen, I want you guys to be focused on your studies for now since you are both only fifteen and sixteen".

They both looked at each other before Malina looked back at me "alright, those sound fair". I went to speak up before Wyatt cut in "but, we have one rule to" I gestured for him to go on. "You promise not to pry into our past and we won't pry into your business because we all know there's definitely something going on here" he spoke.

I looked at him "I don't know what you're talking about kid" I reply. He chuckled at that "the hundreds of guards, the personal driver as well as the fact you currently have a gun strapped under your desk and a knife on your ankle". I sit there stunned but don't show it. Malina has a pleased expression on her face after Wyatt spoke and I know something must've happened for them to ask us not to look into it.

Either way I complied "fine, we won't pressure you into telling us anything" I told them.

"Anything else you want to tell or ask us Dominic Acardi?" Malina asks.

"Yes actually, why do you always say my full name every time you address me?" I question. "It seems to frustrate you" she reply's.

"Right well considering there's nothing else to talk about you can go" they got up immediately and walked out without saying anything else.

- M A L I N A -

Wyatt was taking a nap, that boy could sleep through anything. So I took advantage of that and decided to take a look around.

This house is insanely large.

I was walking down a hall and there were pictures on the wall. Pictures of Dominic with his sons, some of his sons alone and I saw one photo with him and his wife.

He was wearing a grey buttoned up shirt with black jeans and his wife was wearing a long breezy, blue dress. She looked beautiful.

I looked at the photos with her playing with her sons, they looked happy. It made me think about my mom.

"Hey Malina" I heard a voice say. I slightly looked up to see it was Marco. My gaze moved back to the photo "your mom was beautiful" I told him. He made a 'Mm' sound "she was" he whispered.

He cleared his throat, "so, you want a private tour of the place?, I mean considering you're living here now" he asked "sure" I gave him a small smile.

We made our way down the hall and to the kitchen "so this is the kitchen, whatever you wanna eat you'll find here or come find me". I turned to him "why you?" He smirked at me "because little girl, I am this families personal cook and baker. Whatever you want to eat I'll make it" he told me.

"You cook anything and everything?" I questioned. "Yeah, I actually own my own restaurant" i raised my eyebrows "impressive, Gordon Ramsey" he rolled his eyes.

"So what's the deal between you and the little boy?" He suddenly asked. "Little boy?" I questioned before realising he meant Wyatt "oh right Wyatt. He's like a brother to me, we were all each other had for three years".

I could see the way his shoulders slightly slumped when I referred to wyatt as my brother.

We carried on walking "here is the living room and we also have a pool and library as well as a gym". I stood there wide eyed "dude, you have it all" I said shocked. He chuckled and ruffled my hair "just not you" I heard him whisper very quietly which I'm guessing he didn't think I'd hear.

Just not me?

* * *

Marco showed me the entire house and then I made my way back to my room but just before I touched the door knob it bust open and I was met with a panicked wyatt. His eyes met mine and he let out a sigh of relief before engulfing me in a hug.

His messy bed hair was on clear show and it looked like he'd just woken up.

He let go "I'm sorry it's just it's a new place and I know this is your family but when I woke up you were just gone so it just worried me when I couldn't find you when I woke up" He rambled frantically.

I shook my head "don't worry about it, thanks for looking out for me though".

We walked back into the room and I fell back onto the bed. "So what did you get up to while I was asleep?" Wyatt asked.

"Private house tour"


So that's chapter five.
I hope you enjoyed it and comment some ideas.
Thank you for reading.
See you soon my loves

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