Chapter 11

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Arabella, her curiosity piqued and concern mounting since the unexpected encounter with Thomas Mortem at her home, had been on edge. The image of Alexander and Sebastian conversing with Thomas, a man deeply enmeshed in her father's obscure and possibly dangerous dealings, played on a continuous loop in her mind. She knew she had to confront Alexander, to peel away the layers of mystery that Thomas seemed to cloak himself in.

Seizing the opportunity as she spotted Alex navigating the crowded school hallway, Arabella quickened her pace, her determination setting her apart from the leisurely chatter of her peers. As she approached, Alex's posture stiffened, an almost imperceptible change, but Arabella, attuned to nuances, caught it instantly.

"Alexander," she called out, ensuring her voice carried over the din of students. He turned, a practiced smile on his face, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of apprehension.

"Hey, Bella, what's up?" he responded, attempting to sound nonchalant, but the slight tightness in his voice was unmistakable.

"I saw you yesterday," Arabella began, her tone direct, cutting through any pretence. "The man you were talking to... who was he?"

Alexander's mind raced. He knew the implications of Arabella knowing about Thomas. It was a part of his life he had kept meticulously separated from the school's polished corridors and the curious eyes of his classmates.

"Oh, that?" he said with a forced laugh, scratching the back of his neck. "Just a guy my dad knows, needed some advice on... um, the stock market. Yeah, stock tips, you know how it is."

Arabella's gaze remained unflinching, her eyes searching Alexander's for the truth he was so desperately trying to veil. She knew Alexander well enough to recognize the tell-tale signs of deception. The vague explanation, the nervous gesture, the avoidance in his eyes—all of it painted a picture far removed from the casual interaction he described.

"Stock market, huh?" Arabella pressed, her scepticism clear. "Seems a bit out of place, doesn't it? On the front steps of our school, of all places?"

Alexander's smile faltered, the façade cracking under Arabella's scrutiny. He was cornered, aware that any further attempt to weave an unconvincing narrative would only serve to deepen Arabella's suspicions. Yet, the truth—or any portion of it that touched upon Thomas Mortem's dark web of dealings—was a revelation he could not afford to make. Not here, not to Arabella, despite the trust and long friendship they share.

"Listen, Arabella, it's really not as interesting as you're making it out to be. Just adult stuff, boring financial advice," Alexander said, his voice laced with a finality that hinted at the end of the discussion.

Arabella, however, was far from convinced. The pieces of the puzzle were aligning, yet the image they formed was one she hesitated to fully acknowledge. The realization that Alexander—and potentially Sebastian—were involved in something far more complex and possibly dangerous than stock market tips was a thought she found deeply unsettling. She had grown up with both boys in the bustling capital and the idea of them possibly being harmed due to who the associated with scared her.

As Alexander excused himself, murmuring something about being late for class, Arabella stood still amidst the flowing river of students, her mind racing with questions and the undeniable truth that Thomas Mortem's shadow had extended far beyond her family's dinner table, entwining with the lives of her friends in ways she had yet to fully comprehend.


Alexander slipped into the classroom, the echo of his footsteps blending into the low murmur of anticipation before the lesson began. His eyes quickly found Sebastian, who was hunched over his desk, scribbling absentmindedly on a piece of paper. The room was abuzz with the subdued energy of students settling in, but for Alexander, the noise faded into the background, overshadowed by the weight of his recent encounter with Arabella.

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