Chapter 1

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The mansion pulsated with life as the thumping bass of the music reverberated through its opulent halls. Flashes of neon lights danced across the walls, casting vibrant hues of pink, blue, and green, illuminating the decadence within. The air was thick with the scent of expensive perfumes mingling with the unmistakable aroma of alcohol and sweat, creating an intoxicating blend that hung heavy in the air.

In every corner of the mansion, clusters of glamorous teenagers gyrated to the rhythm of the music, their bodies moving in synchrony with the pulsating beats. Girls draped in designer dresses swayed with reckless abandon, their laughter ringing out like silver bells amidst the chaos. Boys in tailored suits mingled with confidence, their eyes alight with the promise of mischief and desire.

Upstairs, the scene was even more electric. In the dimly lit bedrooms, couples entwined in passionate embraces, their whispers drowned out by the cacophony of the party below. The beds were strewn with discarded clothing and champagne bottles, the remnants of hedonistic indulgence scattered like confetti across the plush carpets.

Outside, the sprawling gardens were transformed into a playground of debauchery. Groups of teenagers lounged by the pool, their laughter mingling with the splashing water and the distant sounds of the city beyond. Others stumbled through the manicured lawns, their movements unsteady.

A cigarette hung lazily from Victoria's fingers, her calculating eyes looking far away in another land.

"Alright Tori?" someone asked the girl, taking a long drag Tori straightened up.

"Do you think we'll end up like our parents?" She questioned, not even bothering to look at whoever was talking to her.

"Like those sad sods? I'd rather die."

"Tori!" Arabella squeals, stumbling over to her best friend, clutching two shots. "You are far to sober Victoria darling, and I have brought a solution!"

"Trying to get me sloshed are you?" Victoria laughs, Arabella just winks at her. Retrieving the shots from her friends wobbly hands Tori throws her head back and quickly downs the two glasses, her cheeks flushing and her eyes gleaming. 

"Come on Bella the dance floor's calling!" She declares grabbing Bella's arm.

Arabella and Victoria commanded attention as they take to the dance floor amidst the crowd. Victoria, with her sleek, sapphire gown hugging every curve, moved with a grace that belied her fierce determination. Her icy blue eyes sparkled with mischief as she twirled and swayed, a vision of confidence and allure.

Beside her, Arabella was a whirlwind of energy and charm, her chestnut locks cascading down her back like a waterfall of molten gold. In her form-fitting crimson dress, she exuded an aura of irresistible magnetism, drawing gazes from all who dared to look her way. With every step, she seemed to cast a spell over the crowd, her laughter ringing out like music in the night.

Together, they moved in perfect harmony, their bodies entwined in a mesmerizing dance that captivated all who beheld them. Their movements were fluid and intoxicating, a symphony of grace and passion set against the backdrop of flashing lights and pounding music.

As they danced, their laughter mingled with the beats, their whispers lost in the chaos of the party surrounding them. In that moment, they were untouchable, two queens reigning supreme over their kingdom.

Alexander Kensington and Sebastian Harrington leaned against the ornate walls, their silhouettes barely illuminated by the flickering glow of the dim lights. The air around them was heavy with the scent of tobacco and secrecy as they indulged in the clandestine ritual of smoking, the embers of their cigarettes casting an ethereal glow in the darkness.

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