Chapter 16: Masked Men

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The streets seemed to be getting busier as they walked, having to be careful as not to lose anyone in the crowds of the recreational district. They could already see a crowd forming around the venue of the performance, lines out the door waiting to enter. They moved swiftly, but they probably wouldn't make it in until right before the performance. They quietly got in line as it slowly moved in to the theatre. Max decided to talk to Liam a bit— quietly, since he didn't want his mother to hear.
"So... did you tell her about what kind of job you got now?"
Liam seemed a bit lost for words before eventually replying.
"I- you didn't tell her!? If somtbing goes south while we're here and we have to fight our way out, then you'll have some real explaining to do."
"It'll be fine, what's the worst that could happen at some random show near the middle of town..."
Max just sighed as he replied.
"If you say so..." Unfortunately, they were still painfully unaware of their stalker.

— — —

The masked man took his phone out of his pocket as he stood with his back to the alley, calling someone. That person was the first to speak as they picked up the phone.
"So, we found ourself some targets?"
"Yup, three new members of that new gang from the looks of it— Killjoy."
"Excellent. We'll make a fortune selling them off to Vanguard!"
The man hiding in the alley seemed a bit unsure of something.
"What, is there something wrong? Speak up!"
"W-well there seems to be another woman with them sir— an older lady. Mabye one of their mothers?"
He could hear an audible scoff from the other end as he imagine him rolling their eyes at his statement.
"Then just— lead her away from them somehow. I don't care how you do it. I want those three, not some random civilian."
The line broke before he could even finish speaking. He felt a bit annoyed as he stalked his way along the side streets, taking a back route to the theatre.

— — —

4:50 PM
They had finally made it through the line with but minutes to spare. They were quickly making their way over to the main hall when they were stopped by someone— one of the performers most likely. He wore a greek Comedy Mask, with the only visible feature of his face being his pale white hair as he stood in front of the group. Max was already pretty annoyed from the delay, and quickly spoke up.
"What is it? We're trying to watch your show but these lines are so damn long!"
The masked man chuckled under his cover as he placed his hands out on either side of him as he spoke.
"Well I just noticed that you've brought someone who looks like it may be their special day today! Since no one booked it, we could offer you the VIP viewing area, free of charge!"
Max and Eli seemed skeptical, but all that was on Liam's mind was giving his mother a good experience here.
"Thank you! We'll take it!"
The masked man merely tilted his head down as he continued.
"Excellent. I'll lead you there then. Right this way."
The man walked off as Max and Eli exchanged glances with Liam as they began walking, his mother not seeing anything wrong here either.

He noticed his friends giving him little glares as they walked, eventually turning to Eli and Max behind him.
"What? Why're you two looking at me like that."
While Eli felt like sugarcoating things (by not talking), Max didn't, and spoke his mind.
"I don't trust that guy... just seems fishy giving us a VIP room for free.
"Mabye they're just doing a special offer right now?"
Eli piped up now that the conversation had started, wanting to get his thoughts in.
"For once I'm with Max... I'm keeping my guard up."
Liam just sighed as he looked forwards again, following the masked man without too much worry, despite the idea that perhaps there might be something wrong being introduced to him. But incidents are few and far between in the recreational district, so how bad could it be? He just rushed it off as he continued making his way to the VIP room with the others, heading up a flight of stairs on the way.
"You guys can be as paranoid as you want, but it'll be fine."

They made their way up with the masked man, eventually making it up to a nice cubicle near the top of the theatre, a glass screen at its end to view the performance. Comfortable chairs were strewn around the room as they went to sit down on the couches. The masked man merely tilted his head down for a moment before leaving the room. He made his way down a bit, entering a small broom closet in the staff area as he got his phone out. He called someone as he spoke into the microphone.
"We got them in the VIP room."
The man on the other end just chuckled as he responded.
"Ex—cellent. We wait for her to go to the bathroom or something, then we strike those other three."
The phone hung up, as he walked out of the closet. The performance was starting soon, after all. Gotta give them a good show before they get captured, after all.

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