Chapter 3: New People

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"Why the fuck are you trying to kill me!?"

"Felt like testing ya'. Not like I was gonna stab you with it."

"Usually, dangling a dagger over someone's head, means you're trying to kill them!"

"Relaax, it's just a joke."

"God— you're insane."

"Tell me something I don't know."

He was still a bit annoyed from that 'joke' he made. It was too early for stuff like this.

"What do you mean by 'testing' me? How the hell is dangling a weapon above my head a test!"

Max sighed from the top bunk of their bed before responding, "Well, you best get used to supernatural crap like this real fast, because all the useful people here can do some crazy shit! Just warning ya' that you wanna be ready for what's gonna get thrown at you."

"...Thank you?"

The dagger that was floating in the side of the room quickly dissipated as he quickly rolled out of bed. He went to the bathroom for a moment, bringing a handful of bunched up clothes in with him as he quickly hopped into the shower. Around fifteen minutes later, he had finished washing up, and after changing, got out of the bathroom, steam pouring out as he opened the door. Max stared at the sight for a moment, a bit dumbfounded from... all the steam.

"Damn, how hot do you shower?"

"You can see that yourself, can't you?"

"...I don't know if I should be impressed, or concerned."

After a few minutes, he was ready to walk out, and turned to Max for a moment before leaving the dorm.

"You coming?"

"I already passed his training a week ago, I'm just waiting on everyone else."

"Alright then. Not interesting in meeting your team?"

"I already did that, they're all annoying."

"Suit yourself then, see ya."

Max didn't respond as he walked out. Does he really hate everyone here? He didn't may much attention for now as he walked out to the lobby, which seemed pretty different now that there were a couple more people out here. Mayeda was just leaning on a wall, while two other people were chatting in the middle of the room.

The first person that caught his eye was a shorter woman, who seemed like she couldn't be any older than 18. After looking at her a bit more, she was probably a year or two younger. She had black hair, dyed lavender at the ends, as well as a golden earring in her right ear. The other person talking to her was a boy that seemed the same age as her. He had chocolate skin, as well as brown dreads, paired with dull green eyes. The first person to notice his observations was the darker one, who quickly pointed him out to the lighter-skinned girl, as they walked over to see him. She was the first one to say anything, however.

"Hey, you must be the newest recruit that Mayeda told us about! I'm Liv, what about you!"

Well, she was certainly a nice contrast compared to Max being a pain in the ass. That other guy was probably lucky to be roomed with someone nice. "Liam, nice to meet you."

The darker-skinned boy held out a hand to him, offering a handshake. "I'm Eli, you seem like someone who'd at least be more fun to talk to than Max. He's such a pain in the ass." He chuckled a bit as he took his offer, shaking his hand firmly before letting go, now in a better mood than when a knife dangled above him this morning. How bad could today be after all, Max was probably just being pessimistic. "I can agree with that." After exchanging some laughs about their mutual distaste of Max, Mayeda eventually came over to the three of them, with a glint in his eye that could be best described as murderous.

"That's enough chit chat you three, now get your asses over here and follow me."

While the other two followed him immediately, he stayed a bit farther behind, a bit concerned from the look they got from Mayeda beforehand. He thought he was probably the sanest one here when he met him before, but he was starting to doubt his first thoughts now. He still followed along, however. He still wanted to be of use to the gang, so he could hopefully get a good cut of the cash early on and get out of this business. After another few minutes, they made it into another grey-tiled room, but this time concrete rather than stone. It seemed pretty well reinforced, and was pretty large as well.

Mayeda turned to the three of them, glaring at them, still with that look from earlier.

"Well, I'm gonna put the three of you through hell in back. If you can't get something going in a week, you got no potential. Go home. It's that simple."

The others merely nodded in understanding as he followed suit.

What the hell was he planning?

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