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mentions of death, please dont read if this is something that triggers you.

Sooo this is my first story like this so it's not gonna be great but pls comment if you spot any mistakes or anythingggg

Alsooo this is completely platonic and it's quite short, I wrote this all in one day so if it's just getting worse the more you read it's bc I was getting tired☺️☝️

Alsooooo a lot of this isn't proof read because I cringe at my own writing so bad I would actually just delete it all

Y/n pov:
My eyes felt heavy as i woke up, i struggled out of bed and miserably made my way into the bathroom.

Thats when i remembered. My aunt, who was my best friend and guardian ever since my mom died when i was 8,  died in a car crash just yesterday morning.

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes when i started to think about all the events that took place yesterday, the phone call, the hospital visit, holding her hand for the last time, crying for hours, meeting all her best friends including her childhood bestfriend, Taylor.

She had told me stories about Taylor, all the fun they had, how Taylor was a huge help to her when she was getting bullied in school, all their sleepovers and movie nights. Taylor also helped my aunt get a job as a manager in a local cinema , which she was extremely grateful for.

But she also helped Taylor, she helped her through all the hate, she helped Taylor feel pretty again, she taught Taylor how to ignore the rumours.

They were each others person, each others home.
(very dramtic i know i know)

It broke my heart even more when Taylor arrived at the hospital yesterday, she looked like she had been crying for hours, I know she lives pretty far from the hospital so Im guessing she was crying on the way here.

Taylor walked into the waiting room and immediately engulfed me into a tight, loving hug. I have never even met this woman and yet, this was the best hug i have gotten in a long time. After a few seconds i pulled away and looked at her, her eyes looked kind, even though right now they were welled up with tears, I could see the soft blue piercing through the tears. I could already see why my aunt loves her so much.


As i stare in the bathroom mirror, i honestly dont even recognise myself anymore. My eyes and face are puffy, my hairs a mess, the skin near the corners of my eyes is so red that its nearly maroon.

Im only 15 and I dont have anyone. I live with my dad now , who i hate. He cheated on my mom all those years ago, when she found out she got into her car and drove. She drove for hours, maybe even days, until..

She crashed.
(I just realised they're all dying from car crashes , my bad)

Her car and body were found days later, in a forest, on the other side of the country.

Even though i know i shouldnt, I blame my dad.

I just feel so alone, I dont really have any friends my aunt was kind of my only friend. She was the best and to be honest, she was a better mom than my mom ever was, even though i miss my mother terribly, she had alcohol problems, which sometimes interfered with our relationship.

I opened my phone to check the time 14:37, god i was asleep for long.

I noticed that I got a message, I opened the app and saw that it was from Taylor. I forgot that she had put her number into my phone yesterday.

I found myself smiling at the contact name she gave herself yesterday. 'Tay🫶😼".

"Hey y/n, if youre up for it... I was wondering if you would like to come over to my place for a bit. You know, just to get to know eachother! Youre auntie spoke very highly of you!! I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie??, If youre not up for it I totally understand❤️" sent: 09:13

I felt myself tearing up again at her heartfelt message when i noticed that she sent it hours ago. I replied immediately.

"hey Taylor, im sososo sorry i only just saw ur text! I would love to come over to urs if its not 2 late yet! My aunt spoke highly of u 2🩷 U were like her fav person!!!" sent:14:45



"Dont worry about it! Come over any time you want. My place is pretty far, I can send my driver out for you? You could send me your adress if you want or if you feel more comfortable, my driver could collect you from a nearby shop or something.❤️ Cant wait to see you🫶" sent:14:47

I already love Taylor. She cares about me so much and she hardly even knows me.

"Sureeee my address is 'your address' My dads out drinking so its okay today but if ur driver was to ever collect me again we might have to think of a location because my dad would probably yell at him.. Ill be waiting outside my estate! :)" sent:14:51

I frowned a bit at my response, was it too deep?
Before i could think about it too much, Taylor replied.

"Dont wait outside!! its cold!! wait in the house, ill let you know when my driver gets there. Dont worry about talking to him if you dont feel ready, he wont mind🙂"

AWWW shes so thoughtful and caring about how i feel even though the loss is probably just hard on her as it is on me. I really respect her for this.

I replied with a quick thank you and put in my airpods. "Youre on your own kid" played from my shuffled playlist.

How fitting.

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