tense and P.O.V

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When most writers write they don't relize what they do. Some people write as if the event has already taken place.

If you often end your sentence ed then you are a victim of this mistake. Writing with your words ending in ed is only appropriate when writing in third person point of view.

Third person point of view is when writing your story as if you were telling a story to someone.

Example: Kayla ran to the store and bought herself a bag of trips. As soon as she gets home She tears the bag open.

Take note of how it sounds like you are sitting at a camp fire and your friends are telling you stories.

Now back to tense.

Example of present tense: I look out of my window and watch as Anne walks down the street, her dress flows in sync to the breeze.

Notice how you can actually feel it happening in the very moment you read it. Believe it or not, this makes a big change to the story.

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