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Now. Not everyone is perfect when it comes to spelling. We can't all be like those kids that compete in spelling bees and actually win something. But, it's okay.

If you write your stories on Wattpad through your phone, it helps to set your phone to autocorect or whatever it's called. It helps me when I make mistakes. Now this isn't always the best choice, especially when you're using slang. So, be sure to always check over your books to make sure you spelled something correctly.

If you use a computer and have the Microsoft Word app then a thing I like to do is copy and paste my story on Microsoft Word, go to the review box and have the computer show you what you did wrong. Even after using this you still have to go over your work.

Go over your work!!!!!

It gets frustrating when you have to continuously make up in your mind what the author was really trying to say.

Now, it's okay to have a few mistakes here and there, like I said, nobody is perfect.

No example is needed in this part. I think we all get the idea. If you don't then comment that you don't and I'll consider adding an example.

   It helps to expand your vocabulary. People like readers that are well educated and use their words correctly. Here are some words you can use:


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