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Sometimes it just takes time people will find your story. Sometimes you just don't want to wait so long.

A helpful thing to do is to go on people's page and post on their wall asking them to check out your story.

You can also message them and ask.

Most people are kind enough to actually read your story and give good feedback. I know I am. (If you have any stories you want me to read then post them in the comments) now this does not work with everyone. Some people are just plane rude or just don't have the time.

What also works is reading people's story in exchange for them to read yours.

It doesn't hurt to share your story on social media. The more people that know about your story, the more people read it.

It also helps to add a ton of tags to your story to make it easier to find.

You add tags by going to story settings, then tags. The tags should be something about your story.

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