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It was finally happening today. 

She had mastered all the patterns and routes to take; this was the least guarded period. She looked at her sleeping roommates and silently promised to come back for them.

She exited the slave quarters and into the field, dodging guards between buildings and tents. The moon was covered with thick clouds, which helped her stealth operation. The lights in the healer's chambers were still on, and she braved a detour. As she expected, Bianca was checking on the patients.

 They stared at each other silently, "You're doing it?" Bianca asked softly.

 "Yes," Selena said cautiously.

 "Why did you come here? If you're caught, the repercussions will be terrible," Bianca warned, moving closer to her. 

"If you want to set off the alarm, now's the time", Selena bluffed.

 "Why would I? Please protect yourself" Bianca hugged her tight.

They basked in each other's warmth; even if this weren't the last time they saw each other, Selena would still take a long time to return home. One of the patients groaned, making them jump, "Well, time is running out. I have to go now," Selena said, cleaning her eyes and stepping back.

 "Goodbye and stay safe. May the goddess shine her blessings upon you." Bianca prayed.

Selena rushed through the grounds, silently sticking to the shadows. The gates loomed ahead, and guards sat on the side, drinking and laughing. She moved towards the part of the gate covered with overgrown foliage and pushed the vines aside; the hole she dug slowly revealed itself. She looked back at the guards, still drinking around the fire. 

Good, the goddess is by my side. 

She took out the paper with the spells and recited what it said.

Almost immediately, the chains fell off. She sobbed, feeling the literal weight lift off. She took off her clothes and shifted into her wolf form. 

gods, it's been too long

The night was going great; she honestly couldn't believe it was this easy. She crawled through the spot out into the open.

'Freedom at last!'

The cold wind blew against her fur as she ran through the open field in her base form. The night sky was glittering with many stars, and the moon was full and bright, coating the earth in its silvery rays.

No shackles. No brands. No whips. She was free as the wind. 'Finally,' Selena had felt suffocated under the effects of the sliver chains, unable to handle the blessings of the Moon Goddess upon her skin.

 She couldn't remember the last time she felt so in tune with her inner wolf, unbound. Tears of joy ran down her cheeks; the euphoria of being able to run like this after so long was indescribable.

 She almost couldn't believe it. Thanks to her careful planning and the sacrifices of others, she could finally leave that horrible place. Selena moved as fast as her legs could carry her through the open field and into the dense forest, where the damp soil and many fragrant herbs and flowers could mask her scent. Her eyes glowed as she moved quickly, using her heightened senses to navigate the terrain.

She didn't know where she was heading but trusted the Moon Goddess and her wolf. "Go left", her wolf ordered. "I sense a river. We can wash off our scent there if they follow us," Selena did as her wolf asked. Her wolf had been silent all this while because of the binding. Although they were one, her wolf had a better connection to nature than her. She sprinted, her blood pumping with adrenaline. 

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