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The supply cart came in three weeks after the precious ores were removed. As Mika had predicted, the camp had a lot of bustle. Selena circled the gate, taking in the scenery. This was good. The gates were open, and no one was paying attention. It still wasn't the right time; outside the gates was a plain field with nowhere to hide. The tree line was still far off; she would be seen if she tried to run now, not to talk of the chains on her body. Selena walked around the carts, trying to see if there was any place for her to hide.

"What are ye doin' dere, woman? " she turned to see Skalwarg glaring at her.

 "I want to help offload the carts," she said.

 "Oh? And how many things did yer find under there?" he asked.

Selena refused to reply. "Ye'd best watch yerself or else. Leave 'ere and let the men do the heavy lifting; I don't want ye wasting anything," he threatened. She glared at him as she walked away. Why did he have to come out at that moment? She returned to the kitchen to help arrange the new items. Skalwarg took some of the quality goods to the master's rooms and the healer's chambers; she could understand sending things to the healer, but shouldn't the ones working the hardest be eating well?

Illys rushed up to her as soon as she entered. "There's a lot of food now; the men won't have to starve," she beamed. Selena couldn't help but smile; the pup's innocence was refreshing.

 "That's right; we'll have a feast tonight. Let's go in and help Juno and Myra, yeah?" she said, leading Illys into the storeroom. The work took the whole day, and the sun was setting when they decided to make dinner.

 "The master outdid himself this time." One of the older workers said.

The atmosphere in the hall was lighter during dinner. "I think we are about to be worked to death. That's why we are being fed," another said, nearly choking in his haste to eat.

 "Whatever the reason, I'm glad we finally ate real food. No shade to you ladies, of course; you try your best," he said to Myra, who was passing by with the pot.

 "I understand; want some more?" She asked, holding up the ladle. The men raised their plates.

Everyone ate their fill for the first time in a long time and went to bed with full, warm stomachs. 

Selena decided to sneak aboard the caravan that evening. After giving the guards food, she circled back and got close to the carts. She hoped none of the girls waited for her to get back; other than them, no one would be expecting her to be out now.

 She took the extra precaution of rubbing flowers and leaves all over her scent glands to mask her natural scent. This was a foolproof plan! She sat in the barrel overnight so no one would see her enter.

 Morning came, and the men returned well-rested and ready to leave the compound. Selena jolted as the caravan began to move; they were going! She saw the ground through the little hole in the barrel she was hiding in. Her heart hammered against her chest as they approached the guard house. She could see the open gates and the wide field beyond; 'gods, it was happening.' The caravan stopped as the men spoke to the guards; Selena became anxious.

'What was taking them so long? Did they find out about me already?' The men walked around the caravan, asking questions about the barrels and goods. She held her breath as they walked past her hiding spot; maybe this was a bad idea. Just when she thought they had left, someone called out.

"Are ye helping offload again, woman?" she tensed. It couldn't be. Why was he here by this time? There was no way he knew she was here. Her scent was covered; she had been hidden for hours, and no one had seen her enter the barrel.

Reborn: The Luna Takes It All BackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang