11: Invasion and Shooting of Nightshade

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Aegon could see the light from the fires in Dorne from miles away

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Aegon could see the light from the fires in Dorne from miles away. He knew exactly what it was: Dragon fire. Balerion flew over Dorne and where the shadow of the great beast would have terrified people all over the land, it didn't. Because there was no one left to feel fear. 

What once was a proud land was a scorched world as fire burned and consumed everything. Aegon noticed scorpion bolts destroyed and decimated on the ground. Armor melted to still burning soldiers. Rivers of fire on the ground as it continued to consume everything in its path. 

Up ahead, he saw two shadows hovering over Sunspear and encouraged Balerion to fly faster. He was too late. Double streams of fire left the massive dragon's mouths as Sunspear started to burn. 

People screamed and fled as the fire started to consume the castle itself. Aegon watched as the Martells fled but no before Vhagar unleashed a string of fire that burned them in their wake. At least the two Martells that were there. 

Visenya noticed Doran and Meria Martell's deaths and smiled at her sister before hearing someone behind them. Both women turned and noticed the Black Death. Aegon sat on top of him in armor and his black crown. Ravenna sighed as she faced Aegon "well, that didn't last long." 

All three looked around. It was a war zone. Dorne was barely standing as it was. Aegon glanced at the two war women "are we done here?" 

Ravenna looked around her at the destruction that was caused by all of the dragons and nodded "yes." 

All three dragons started back over the barren lands and headed back towards the sea. However, what neither of the three Targaryen's noticed was one remaining soldier with a scorpion bolt. Ravenna heard it before she saw it—the snapping of the string and the trigger along with the whistling of the two scorpion bolts itself. 

She quickly noticed the bolt in the air and noticed that it was headed for Vhagar and Visenya who were beside her. Ravenna yanked Nightshade's reigns and moved higher in the air over Visenya taking Vhagar's place. Visenya looked at Ravenna confused but not before the bolt made impact heading straight into Nightshade's chest and the other clipped Ravenna's side. 

Aegon screamed as Nightshade roared and launched fire burning the soldier and the scorpion bolt where it stood

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Aegon screamed as Nightshade roared and launched fire burning the soldier and the scorpion bolt where it stood. Ravenna held her hand over the bleeding part of her body as she looked over at Visenya and Aegon. 

Aegon and Visenya looked at their family member in horror as blood dripped down her side and Nightshade's chest. Nightshade himself struggled to keep in the air as his strength was being sapped by the wound but refused to go down. 

Visenya and Aegon followed Nightshade as he flew faster over the water heading home. It was then that they realized that he wasn't heading to King's Landing or Dragonstone. He was heading to Sablestone which was closer, they just hoped that he had the energy to make it there. 

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