2. Aegon vs Ravenna

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Aegon stared at the dragon before him and then looked at his rider

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Aegon stared at the dragon before him and then looked at his rider. Ravenna Bloodstone was every bit the beauty that people said she was. She was also just as fierce with her purple eyes and blonde hair. She wore a black crown, and Aegon knew this was a bad idea. 

Ravenna spoke then "so the conqueror finally shows up." Aegon shifted in his saddle. "I must admit, coming here is either the bravest idea or the dumbest." 

Aegon had to agree with her on that as he looked at her. He looked at the dragon that was just as large as Balerion. It was purple and black with menacing horns, sharp claws, and large wings. Suddenly, the conqueror wasn't feeling all too confident about his plan. 

Ravenna looked at him "I'm giving you five minutes to take your dragon and leave my country before we open fire." 

No matter how much Aegon believed she would open fire and he wasn't sure if he and Balerion could beat her he still looked at her "no." He could tell that Ravenna was shocked by the way that she stared at him in disbelief. "I want to make the countries all one and I will." 

"I don't know if you've missed it," Ravenna spoke calmly "but I don't bow to anyone least of all a usurper and a pretender." Aegon nodded knowing that it was going to end up in a fight. Balerion roared as did Nightshade who then took to the sky. Balerion followed and Ravenna turned the massive beast to face him. "I gave you a shot." She then looked at him and yelled "Dracarys." 

Nightshade's purple flames roared to life so close that he felt it on his legs and Balerion roared from the heat of it. The only reason that Aegon himself hadn't been a pile of ash was because Balerion had moved slightly out of the way. 

When Aegon returned fire, it was almost like Nightshade and Ravenna were the same. She barely had to speak for Nightshade to understand what she meant, it was like they were communicating with their minds. 

Nightshade snapped her jaw at Balerion clipping his wing before flying off to do a circle again. As the two fought, Aegon hadn't even realized that she was leading him high into the sky and further away from Sablestone over the open ocean. 

Once he realized it, he marveled at how genius she really was. Nightshade was fast whereas Balerion was only powerful.  He was so focused on his thoughts and fighting that he hadn't even realized that Ravenna had led him back to King's Landing. 

Nightshade landed on the red keep with a mighty roar as Ravenna aimed at the castle. She looked at Aegon with anger "you don't back the hell off of Sablestone, I will burn your city to the ground." 

Aegon believed her. 

He could just make out Visenya and Rhaenys on the balcony and knew that they were not going to be able to avoid the dragon fire. 

Aegon finally realized that he was trapped and he had played right into her hands. If he made a move she could burn the entire castle to the ground and maybe even the city then the entire plan of combining the countries would be pointless. 

Aegon relented "fine, but can we talk and maybe come to an agreement." 

Ravenna studied the blonde man who wasn't all that bad looking and sighed "fine." 

Aegon nodded and headed to an open field to land Balerion so that he wouldn't crush anything. He knew without even thinking and looking back that Ravenna was following him. 

Both dragons landed in an open field and both riders slowly got off of their dragons not willing to give the other an inch. Nightshade and Balerion took off as soon as both royals were on the ground. 

Aegon then noticed that Ravenna was dressed in armor showcasing her sigil and had a sword at her side that looked almost like Blackfyre. Ravenna had noticed him staring and sarcastically spoke "so are we going to stand here all day or are we going to talk pretender king?" 

Aegon couldn't help but chuckle as he ignored the nickname before heading to the castle with his guest behind him. He could only hope that this peace talk worked in his favor. 

Neither knew it but it would be the beginning of a family line that would span hundreds of years. It would also be the beginning of the Violet Royals and the legend of an unconquerable queen and a dragon who had beaten Balerion. 

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