1. Aegon I makes a dumbass decision

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Aegon Targaryen was considered one of the smartest people on the planet at this point in time

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Aegon Targaryen was considered one of the smartest people on the planet at this point in time. What with him conquering the seven kingdoms minus Dorne and Sablestone. 

But this is when he lost it. He sent Rhaenys to Dorne and Visenya to Sablestone. Both came back with a no from the rulers. Dorne was a problem as they had some tough people however Sablestone was the real threat and Aegon knew it. 

The other survivor of the doom of Valyria had created Sablestone. Ravenna Bloodstone is also known as the Death Queen, The Violet Empress, and other names. Normally Aegon wouldn't have cared and gone anyway but he knew that dragons could not intimidate Ravenna considering she had her own. 

Ravenna Bloodstone had bonded with Nightshade, the Violet Empress. One of the most fearsome dragons ever known to live. She was about the size of Aegon's Balerion and spat violet flames. She was just as temperamental as well. 

Aegon knew that he would be insane to try and invade Sablestone mainly because of the dragon but also because of the terrain. When Ravenna had made the country with her magic she had made it as hard to invade as possible if not impossible. 

Still, Aegon wanted Dorne and he wanted Sablestone. So the great conqueror had probably one of the dumbest ideas in history. He decided that he himself was going to go and talk to Ravenna in hopes that he could convince the queen to bend the knee. 

Visenya and Rhaenys saw Aegon off that day. Both looked at him like he was insane knowing the stories of the ones that tried to conquer Sablestone. The Lannisters had tried, Dorne had tried, the Baratheons had tried, the Starks had tried, and more. But all had failed and were turned back by none other than Queen Ravenna Bloodstone. 

Nevertheless, they couldn't talk him out of it so they watched him go on the Black Death in hopes that he would come back alive and not end up another notch on the impenetrable fortress that was Sablestone. 


Aegon watched as the daunting country of Sablestone rose in the distance. It was rocky terrain that was marked with valleys, caves, mountains, and darkness. So dark, that he could barely see a thing as he approached. He knew that the darkness served as a protective shield for the country as no one would be crazy enough to invade through the darkness. Well, no one except for him apparently. 

Balerion flew through the dark sky and the two heard the roaring of the dragon below and the sounding of the bells. They knew that he was here which wasn't exactly a good thing especially if Ravenna decided to meet him with Nightshade. 

Nevertheless, he refused to give up on his idea of controlling most if not all of the countries in or near Westeros. He landed in front of a massive castle that had a purple sigil on it.  A purple and black spiky horned dragon with blood dripping out of its mouth. Aegon felt uncomfortable and a little intimidated even looking at it but shook it off. 

Balerion seemed to be just as uncomfortable as Aegon himself when the giant black dragon shifted uneasily. They looked around through the dark as the castle lights were the only thing allowing them to see. 

Aegon was suddenly startled by a loud roar and looked up to see a large shape in the sky. A large purple and black dragon landed in front of the castle across from the conqueror. The so called King could understand why people argued that Nightshade was one of the more beautiful dragons in existence because she was. Staring at the dragon the size of Balerion, he couldn't help but feel that for the first time, he had made a mistake. 

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