10: Nightshade and Vhagar Work Together

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Nightshade and Vhagar took off together, launching into the air and feeling their riders' anger

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Nightshade and Vhagar took off together, launching into the air and feeling their riders' anger. Visenya looked at her sister next to her and couldn't help but think that she looked like the actual war goddess with how angry she looked. 

Ravenna refused to allow Dorne to think that they had gotten away with what they had done. She knew that Visenya felt the exact same. They flew through the sky and pretty soon they saw the expanse of the land that was Dorne. 

Dorne had apparently expected that they were coming as both Queens pulled to a stop at the sight of scorpion bolts and the army that Dorne had amassed. Visenya chuckled amused at their attempt and Ravenna couldn't help but to feel the same "do they really think that will stop us?" 

Visenya chuckled again "I don't know sister." 

Meanwhile, the Martells looked out of Sunspear castle and watched as the forms of two large dragons stopped over the sea. Meria Martell looked at her older brother Doran Martell and spoke "you shouldn't have killed Rhaenys now they are coming for us." 

Doran looked at her "they were coming for us before their kind queen died." 

"Yes," Meria looked at her brother like he was an idiot. "You do know that Ravenna is called the Heartless Queen and Visenya is called the Warrior Queen. They won't stop until they avenge their sister and not even Aegon Targaryen himself can calm them down." She sighed and glanced at her brother "they may look like angels but they are demons and you just pissed them off. Not a great plan." 

Aegon Targaryen rushed to Balerion worried about his wives. He knew that Dorne could take down a dragon. They had done it before. He mounted the Black Death after leaving his children in the hands of the maids. He refused to lose anyone that he loved no matter how much they seemed to want to die. 

He wanted revenge as well but he refused to lose someone else to Dorne. He just hoped that he wasn't too late. 

Visenya and Ravenna hovered menacingly over the sea as they stared at the land that was Dorne. They looked at each other and nodded before moving toward the land. "Dracarys," both women yelled and both dragons let out a stream of fire onto the land burning soldiers, scorpions, and the land alike. 

Nightshade roared before unleashing another string of fire that burned more soldiers. Vhagar flew toward Sunspear burning everything in her path followed by Nightshade who made sure that everything was destroyed. 

They were determined to take one of the Martells out just as the Dornish did to them. 

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