7. Birth and Valora Targaryen

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As the moons passed and the months flew by, Rhaenys gave birth to Aenys Targaryen

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As the moons passed and the months flew by, Rhaenys gave birth to Aenys Targaryen. Ravenna was still heavily pregnant while Aegon was overjoyed by his son's birth.

Ravenna looked at her sister-in-law and noticed that Visenya was distant and looked a little cold. She was perfectly kind to Ravenna but no longer was as close with Rhaenys.

Ravenna understood it a little bit. She was the oldest sister and the first wife to Aegon therefore the rightful queen. Her son should have been heir but Rhaenys had a child first.

Ravenna knew that Visenya was worried about her child if she ever had one. Ravenna knew that Visenya loved all of them but she was protective of her family including her child if she ever had one.

Visenya would do whatever it took to give her heir as much power and strength as humanly possible.

The situation was made even worse as Ravenna's heir would be the heir to Sablestone therefore getting their own kingdom leaving Visenya, the eldest Targaryen's heir inheritless.

More months passed and Ravenna was now heavily pregnant and nearly ready to burst. Aegon had been just as attentive to her as he was before she was pregnant.

That night as she was standing on the balcony overlooking King's Landing, she suddenly felt pain in her stomach. Visenya who had come to check on her noticed it and immediately called for the Maesters along with Rhaenys and Aegon.

She then helped Ravenna to the bed before helping her lie down on it. Rhaenys came running in along with the Maesters and immediately placed a warm towel on Ravenna's forehead.

The Maester's told Ravenna that her child was coming and told her to push. Ravenna screamed as she pushed and as she screamed Nightshade who had felt his rider's pain and landed in the dragon pit roared along with her.

Labor went on for hours before the babe was finally born. A girl with violet eyes, pale skin, and an angelic face. They named her Valora Bloodstone Targaryen, the heir to Sablestone.

Aegon was already smitten with Valora. She had him wrapped around her finger. He loved playing with her and showing her Balerion.

He had even put a dragon egg in Valora's crib. The egg was blue and purple and warm to the touch. Valora absolutely loved it. She would not let it out of her sight which Aegon found adorable.

Maybe it was the constant touch and companionship but the egg hatched after two months giving birth to a beautiful blue and purple dragon that loved Valora.

Everyone was happy with this development but Visenya who was feeling more and more like she was being usurped and being a failure. She loved Valora and Aenys but she didn't understand why Rhaenys and Ravenna could have children but she couldn't.

Little did she know that her wish was going to be granted soon.

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