executing the plan

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The plan to help Wei Ying escape the unwanted marriage with Jiang Cheng was set in motion with careful deliberation among the group, comprising Wei Ying's friends and allies: Nei Husang, Wen Ning, and Wen Qing. They gathered at wei ying's house due to wei ying's parents dont want to free wei ying before marriage, because they were aware of thier son that he will escape by hook or by crook so they all were came to wei ying's house to discuss their strategy.

Nei Husang: (grinning) "Alright, everyone, listen up. We've got a plan to get Wei Ying out of this marriage and keep him safe."

Wen Ning: (eager) "What's the plan? How are we going to do this?"

Nei Husang explained the intricacies of their plan, detailing how Wen Qingh would disguise herself as the bride, allowing Wei Ying to escape unnoticed.

Nei Husang: "Wen Qingh, you'll wear the bridal attire and pretend to be Wei Ying. Meanwhile, Wei Ying will slip away and hide at my house until everything settles down. And when the priest ask "Do you take Jiang cheng as your husbandyou have to say No at that time, you will be in veil no one can think its not wei ying and after your rejection wei ying's parents will come to you and you will open your veil and before they try to find wei ying my guard will hide wei ying at my house"

Wen Qingh: (hesitant) "I don't know about this, Nei Husang. Deceiving everyone like this feels wrong."

Jiang Cheng: (serious) "We won't go through with the marriage, Wen Qingh. This is just a temporary measure to protect Wei Ying. Once he's safe, I'll tell everyone that its our plan."

Wen Qingh still looked unsure, her moral compass conflicted by the deception they were planning. However, seeing the determination in Jiang Cheng's eyes, she reluctantly agreed to go along with the plan.

Wen Qingh: (resigned) "Fine, I'll do it. But remember, this is only temporary. Wei Ying needs to be free to make his own choices."

As the ceremony commenced, Nei Husang, Wen Ning, and Wen Qing ensured everything went according to plan. They orchestrated the switch seamlessly, with Wen Qing taking Wei Ying's place as the bride.

Wen Qing: (nervously) "I hope this works. I don't want to hurt anyone, but Wei Ying's happiness is paramount."

Jiang Cheng: (sadly) "don't worry i will cancel the wedding at the end of moment. Wei Ying doesn't deserve to be forced into something he doesn't want." ( he looked at wei ying who is continuously calling wangji, he smiled sadly which wen qingh noticed and she can now understand why jiang cheng agreed to fake the marriage, she can clearly see the affection for wei ying in jiang cheng's eyes, and that made her heart flatter, and she smiled and agree too, to execute their final plan)


As the day of the wedding arrived, tensions ran high as everyone played their part in the elaborate plan. Wei Ying, disguised as Wen Qing, made his way to the venue, his heart racing with anticipation and nerves.

Wei Ying: (nervous) "I can't believe this is happening. I just need to get through this ceremony, and then I'll be free."


On the day of the wedding, tension filled the air as everyone gathered at the venue. Wen Qingh, dressed in bridal attire, couldn't hide her nervousness.

everyone were watching them wei ing's parents were so happy, changse seren was little sad because she didn't want to force her son but its for his sake she wanted to hug her son once before the marriage but nei husang and wen ning tried every possible thing to avoid them to touch wei ying, wei ying's father find this fishy but he ignore because jiang cheng was talking to wei ying and holding his hand and that give him assurance that finally jiang cheng convinced wei ying and he is now more than happy that wei ying will forgate that mafia Lan Wangji, and again went to check the security just to assure everything will be in control.

Jiang cheng and wen qingh slowly went to stage 

Wen Qingh: (whispering to Jiang Cheng) "I don't know if I can go through with this. What if someone finds out?"

Jiang Cheng: (holding her hand) "We're doing this for Wei Ying. Trust me, everything will work out."  she finds her heart was racing so fast the moment jiang cheng hold her hand she was looking at jiang cheng through the veil and jiang cheng was just walking with the fake smile...

As the ceremony began, Wen Qingh's heart raced with uncertainty. She exchanged anxious glances with Nei Husang and Wen Ning, who were watching the plan unfold.

Jiang Cheng: (whispering to Wen Qingh) "Just a little longer. Stay strong."

As the vows were exchanged, Wen Qingh's hands trembled, and her mind raced with doubts. But when she looked into Jiang Cheng's eyes, she found reassurance and determination.

Jiang Cheng: (whispering to Wen Qingh) "Be ready. When I give the signal, make your move."

Wen Qingh nodded silently, her heart racing with apprehension and determination. as the preist started the ceremony wen qingh got even more nervous and jiang cheg hold her both hands... 

everyone were cheering for them, changse seren was also so happy now after watching jiang cheng's being so caring towards wei ying, at first when she saw wei ying coming with jiang cheng, she has a doubt that he is not her son but because of the guest and alot of tension she didn't give much attention to him, because she don't wanted to hurt her son anymore, already wei changse did alot to wei ying, and after the marriage she will spend more time with her son but first of all the marriage is very important to them.....

priest then blesses the couple, joins their hands together, and asks, 

"Do you take jiang cheng as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

everyone was watching wen qingh because they were thinking its wei ying and everything is going as the paln, wen qingh got so nervous and looked at jiang cheng, jiang cheng nod while smiling and press her hand to assure dont worry, but as wen qingh saw jiang cheng instead of saing " NO" she said " I DO" everyone was clapping but wei ying's parents were shocked because it was a female voice........

how was it..

please do let me know

i know i am updating late and  am sos sorry for that please forgive this little bird 🐦

lots of love 😘😘


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