wangji don't ignore me

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As the first light of dawn crept into the room, Wei Ying began to stir, slowly waking from his slumber. His surroundings were familiar, but he couldn't quite grasp where he was at first. As his eyes roamed around the room, the realization dawned upon him - he was in his own room.

Wei Ying blinked in surprise, taking in the sight of his mother sleeping on a chair beside his bed, her hand gently holding onto his. Across the room, his father was on the couch, looking like he hadn't had a moment's rest.

Confused and disoriented, Wei Ying tried to sit up, causing a stir in the room. His mother, startled awake, quickly sat up and her eyes filled with tears of relief as she saw her son awake.

changze seren: (teary-eyed) "Wei Ying! Oh, thank heavens, you're awake! How are you feeling, dear?"

Wei changze, roused by the commotion, also woke up and turned his anxious gaze toward his son.

Wei changze: (worried) "Wei Ying, are you okay? We've been so worried about you."

Wei Ying couldn't comprehend how he had ended up back in his own room. His memory of the previous night was hazy, filled with images of Lan Wangji, the gunshots, and his sudden loss of consciousness.

Wei Ying: (confused) "How did I get here? What happened?"

His parents exchanged a worried glance but didn't provide a clear answer. Instead, they urged him to rest and assured him that everything would be explained later.

Wei Ying couldn't shake the worry he felt for Wangji, who had been injured while protecting him from the attackers. He needed to know if Wangji was okay.

Wei Ying: (concerned) "Mom, Dad, what about the person who was with me last night? Is he okay?"

His mother's face tightened with anxiety, and she responded with a stern tone.

changze seren : (firmly) "Wei Ying, we don't ever want to hear that name again. You won't be meeting him again."

Wei Ying was taken aback by his mother's reaction but decided not to press further for the moment. Instead, he turned his attention to the door as it creaked open, revealing Nei Husang and Wen Ning, both of whom looked visibly relieved to see Wei Ying awake.

Nei Husang: (relieved) "Wei Ying, you're finally awake! We've been so worried about you."

Wen Ning: (concerned) "How are you feeling, Wei Ying?"

Wei Ying's parents took this as their cue to leave the room, giving Wei Ying some privacy with his friends. As they exited, they asked Nei Husang and Wen Ning to take care of Wei Ying.

Wei Ying's father whispered to them as he passed by.

Wei changze : (whispering) "Please, look after him. And thank you."

As the door closed behind his parents, Wei Ying couldn't shake the feeling of unease and worry. He knew there were many unanswered questions, especially regarding Wangji's well-being. But for now, he was left in the care of his friends, who had been equally concerned about his safety.

The events of the previous night remained a blur, but one thing was certain - Wei Ying had narrowly escaped danger, and the mysterious man named Lan Wangji had played a significant role in ensuring his safety.

Wei Ying lay in his bed, a sense of unease settling over him like a heavy fog. He had erased the mysterious "hot stranger" contact name from his phone and replaced it with "Wangji." Despite knowing that Wangji was involved in a dangerous world, he couldn't help but worry about his safety.

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