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 The grand ballroom was adorned with chandeliers, the dance floor filled with elegantly dressed guests, and the atmosphere was electric with laughter and music. everyone was dancing crazily.

A boy dancing in the middle of a group smoothly, With a grin on his face, he twirled on the dance floor, his movements fluid and captivating. He had always loved to dance, and tonight, he felt like he was in his element. His nimble feet moved to the rhythm of the music, and the crowd couldn't take their eyes off him.

After a particularly energetic dance, he decided to take a break. He made his way to a comfortable chair near the bar and sank into it with a contented sigh. He watched the festivities continue around him, feeling a sense of satisfaction. Moments like this were rare for him, and he intended to savor every second.

Just as he settled in, a waiter approached him, holding a glass of something that looked enticingly colorful. 

"Excuse me, sir," the waiter said with a polite smile, "this drink is for you."

The boy raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. 

"I didn't order a drink," he replied, eyeing the vibrant concoction suspiciously.

The waiter inclined his head, gesturing toward a young man seated at a table not far from the boy.

 "The gentleman over there ordered it for you," he explained.

The boy followed the waiter's gaze and found himself locking eyes with a handsome stranger. The stranger was casually leaning back in his chair, a glass of wine in one hand. His dark hair framed his face perfectly, and his eyes sparkled with mischief as he met his gaze.

A playful smile curved on his lips as he realized the stranger's intent. He accepted the drink from the waiter and raised it in a silent toast to the man who had caught his attention. The stranger responded with a slow, appreciative nod and a charming grin of his own.

As the boy took a sip of the cocktail, he couldn't help but be drawn to the magnetic stranger. There was an undeniable chemistry in the air between them, despite the distance that separated them in the crowded room. It was as if they were sharing an intimate moment amid the chaos of the party.

Their eyes remained locked, and they continued to exchange silent messages with every sip they took from their respective glasses. It was a dance of its own, one that spoke volumes without words.

scene change and now we are in a hotel room where two person are kissing each other hungerly. the sound of there lip locking is so loud that they are unable to hear the loud music of the party, that boy was in the control by the stranger

"aaahhhhh....you are so sexy" the boy said in a husky voice

"shhhhh... don't say anything...." the stranger said in his deep voice

"aaahhhh.... dont bite.... you know you are the first ever kiss of mine" boy said 

"you are mine too" the stranger said while sucking his mole under his lips and then came to his neck

both were panting, and breathing heavily......

"what's your name.....ahhh slow slow.... its my first time" boy said while moaning 

"you talk so much wei wuxian..." that stranger said while opening that boy's shirt

"fuck... who are you how did you know my name...." boy distanced himself from the stranger

but again that stranger grabbed him and started playing with his erected buds, wei wuxian moaned loudly and then he forget about knowing his name by stranger....

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