something is fishy

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Wei Ying had spent an adventurous night with a mysterious stranger, keeping it hidden from his friends and family. As the morning sun painted the sky with shades of orange and pink, he rushed home, trying to beat Nei Husang's anger. His heart raced, and his mind spun with excuses as he entered his family's modest home.

Wei Ying: (breathless) "Mom, Dad, I was out all night with Nei Huang. We lost track of time."

Wei Ying's parents exchanged a knowing glance but didn't press the issue.

Wei Ying's Mother: "(concerned) You should have called. We were worried."

Wei Ying: (relieved) "I'm sorry, Mom. It won't happen again. Gotta get to college now. See you later!"

Wei Ying left quickly, hoping his parents wouldn't dig deeper into the night's events. But little did he know that he wasn't out of the woods yet.


At the university

Wei Ying found Nei Husang waiting for him with an expression that promised an interrogation.

Nei Husang: (crossing arms) "Wei Ying, care to explain where you disappeared to last night?"

Wei Ying: (nervous laughter) "Nei Husang, it's not a big deal. Just a spontaneous adventure."

Nei Husang: (raising an eyebrow) "Spontaneous adventures aren't supposed to last all night, Wei Ying."

Wen Ning: (concerned) "Wei Ying, we were worried about you. You should have called at least."

Wei Ying: (changing the subject) "Okay, okay, but we can't be late for class. Let's go!"

As they made their way to their first class, Nei Husang couldn't help but notice something unusual on Wei Ying's neck.

Nei Husang: (grinning) "Wei Ying, are those hickeys on your neck?"

Wei Ying blushed furiously, trying to cover them with his collar.

Wei Ying: (stammering) "N-no! It's nothing. Let's focus on class."

Nei Husang and Wen Ning exchanged knowing looks, teasing Wei Ying mercilessly throughout the day.

In class, Wei Ying and his friends did their usual routine of making fun of the new students and teasing the seniors. Wei Ying, with his quick wit and playful demeanor, was at the forefront of their antics. Unbeknownst to him, Wen Ning watched him closely, feeling a pang of unrequited affection.

After class, they continued their daily routine of bullying unsuspecting students.

Wei Ying: (grinning) "Hey, you there! With the glasses! What's your name?"

Student: (nervous) "I'm... I'm Zhou Zishu."

Nei Husang: (sarcastic) "Well, Zhou Zishu, welcome to the university. We'll be your guides!"

Wei Ying: (mischievous) "And your tormentors! Just kidding. We're harmless."

As they continued their playful banter, Wei Ying noticed Wen Ning's distant expression. Concerned, he pulled Wen Ning aside.

Wei Ying: (worried) "Wen Ning, are you okay?"

Wen Ning: (blushing) "I'm fine, Wei Ying. Don't worry about me."

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