where is wei ying???

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The morning sun cast a hopeful glow over the city as Wei Ying's parents anxiously dialed Nei Husang's number. They had not seen their son since yesterday evening, and worry had begun to gnaw at their hearts.

Nei Husang picked up the call, but before he could even greet them, Wei Ying's mother's voice trembled with concern.

Changze seren : (worried) "Nei Husang, have you seen Wei Ying? He said he was going to a party with you, but he didn't come home last night, and we haven't heard from him."

Nei Husang felt a pang of concern and exchanged a quick glance with Wen Ning, who had been with him when Wei Ying had canceled their plans.

Nei Husang: (nervous) "Auntie, Uncle, Wei Ying said he had other plans last night when I asked him to come to the party with us. I thought he had something important to do."

Wei changze: (anxious) "Nei Husang, this isn't like him at all. He never stays out without letting us know. please, try to find him."

Nei Husang: (determined) "Don't worry, Uncle. Wen Ning and I will start looking for him right away. We'll find Wei Ying."  Nei husang didn't say that a day before wei ying was somewhere else......

After reassuring Wei Ying's parents, Nei Husang hung up the phone, his heart heavy with worry.

Nei Husang: (to Wen Ning) "We have to find Wei Ying, Wen Ning. Something doesn't feel right about this."

Wen Ning: (concerned) "I agree, Nei Husang. "

Nei Husang and Wen Ning began their search for Wei Ying by visiting places he might have frequented. They spoke to his friends, retraced his steps from the previous evening, and even reached out to the party organizers, but Wei Ying seemed to have vanished without a trace.

As the hours passed and their search yielded no results, a deep sense of worry settled in. Nei Husang decided to call the police to report Wei Ying as missing.

Nei Husang: (on the phone with the police) "Hello, I need to report a missing person. My friend, Wei Ying, hasn't been seen since yesterday evening, and we're extremely worried about him."

The police assured Nei Husang that they would begin their search immediately. Wei Ying's parents, on the other end of town, had also contacted the authorities, doubling the efforts to locate their son.

Meanwhile, Wen Ning had reached out to his sister, Wen Qing, who worked in the city's medical field and had access to various resources. He explained the situation and asked for his help in locating Wei Ying.

Wen Qing: (concerned) "Don't worry, Wen Ning. I'll do everything I can to help. We'll find Wei Ying."

Back at the university, Nei Husang and Wen Ning continued their search, questioning Wei Ying's friends and colleagues. They uncovered that Wei Ying had received a mysterious phone call before canceling their plans the previous night.

Nei Husang: (thoughtful) "Wen Ning, did Wei Ying mention anything about that phone call? Anyone he might have met up with?"

Wen Ning: (pausing) "He didn't say much, just that he had other plans. But he seemed nervous about it."

Nei Husang: (worried) "That phone call might hold a clue. Let's see if we can trace it."


As the day wore on, Wei Ying's parents were fraught with anxiety, not knowing the whereabouts of their beloved son. Nei Husang and Wen Ning had contacted every friend and acquaintance of Wei Ying but had come up empty-handed.

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