Enemies to...... something

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Pran is very much confused at the way his mind is working. Sometimes he is thinking that he deserves it, sometimes he feels bad. But nowadays he feels bad for that perticular person.

That person Pat, is punished by his senior for fighting with Pran. Engineering and Architect was the only major which doesn't have major fights. But Korn, Pat's friend suddenly pushed Wai, Pran's friend in the cafeteria. Wai is known to be short tempered, started to hit him. Korn hit him back. Soon others join not wanting Korn or Wai to be only one to be blamed.

But this fight however angered Engineering current head hazar, Forth. He punished Pat roughly even though it was Korn's fault.

Pran thought it was unfair but is fair when Pat is the one who suggested to hit Wai. Korn is suspended for a week along with Wai. Luckily Pran wasn't present in that fight.

Pran sighs loudly as he saw Pat still running in the ground. Pat is tired and almost looklike he is about to faint. Pran really wanted to move forward and forget about his neighbour slash enemy but he couldn't.

Pran curse and ran fastly when he saw Pat falling down on the ground.

"Pat, Pat. Ai'Pat wake up na"

Pran gently slap his cheeks but Pat can only groan with pain. Tears welled in his eyes. He slowly opened his wet eyes, staring straight at Pran which caught him off-guard.

"Hurts... Pran"

Pran felt something in his stomach with the way Pat is looking at him now. His eyes wet and looking at him with half opened eyes. His lips parted, a groan or two escaping each minute. Hair tangles and messy making him look cute rather than fierce.

Pran had to shake himself roughly to bring back to Earth. Pran pick him up, not knowing if he can. But Pran easily can much to his suprise.

"Aren't you eating anything? You are so light weighted, Ai'Pat"

"Pa... Said... I'm...fat"

Pran close his eyes in anger. He never liked Pat's father Ming. He always have his way to control his son. Way too much.

Pran took him to infirmary making him lay down. The nurse quickly attend him giving him necessary medicines. Pat was calm after sometimes sleeping peacefully.

But Pran wasn't calm at all. His eyes wondered to the sleeping boy's body. He knows it's wrong. But he can't help but bite his lips, his stomach again feeling something.

This is the main reason why Pran always stays away from Pat. Pat made him feel things that no one did, not even his ex girlfriend. He have his own way with him, making Pran do whatever Pat wanted. Pran is a sucker to Pat's cheesiness and his big puppy eyes, making him want to call him puppy.

Pat groans again, reaching for someone. Pran bite his lips, keeping his hand on his hand. Pat took it and hug to his chest, again sleeping soundly. This made Pran smile as he caress the other.

"Cutie, Puppy"


It took almost three hours for Pat to wake up. When he woke up he was startled as Pran is sleeping next to him, Pran's hand on his chest. His face turned slightly red at that making him release the hand. Pran woke up by that.

"Oww Pat. Oh god U okay?"

Pat nodded. "Are you sure? Should I call the nurse?"

Pat shook his head. "Am... Am fine Pran"

Pran nodded. The atmosphere turned awkward after that. Both of them doesn't know what to say anymore. Pat clear his throat.

"Hm.. thank you for... Saving me and taking me here"

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