Pouty Tay Tawan

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Ship: TayNew

I saw a clip in insta where
Tay is pouting so adorably
making me wanted to make
this ff.


New loves some of the things that Tay does, which always made him laugh. One is his clumsiness and second his pouty face.

Tay and clumsiness goes in a straight line. It is his bestfriend. But Tay pouts rarely. It is always New who sulks and demands something from his boyfriend which Tay always gives without any complaint.

New sat at the sofa, grinning at the pouty Tawan. He looks adorable, with his big innocent eyes, round squishy cheeks and pouty lips. New can't help anymore as he launched to his boyfriend.

He squeezed his cheeks, making Tay pout more. "Why is my big baby pouting for?"

"Am jealous"

Tay declared in a adorable tone. New almost coo. "With who?"


New titl his head. He doesn't remember any of the incident where he makes Tay jealous. When was that?

"What did I do?"

"I saw video, IN INSTA. People are shipping you with that giant like babygirl"

New chuckles loudly at Earth's description. Tay glare at him cutely with a pout making New close his mouth.

"Aww sorry na Tay. I won't laugh"

"You better" Tay huffs as he cross his arms around his chest like a child. New grins widely, taking his boyfriend in his arms, kissing the hell out of him. Tay is startled as he doesn't expect that. It is always him who initiate this kind of things, so is little off guard.

New easily slipped his tongue making Tay whines. Tay always argued to be the dominant one, but he have to realise that New likes to be dominant too. Especially today when Tay is extra adorable.

"You are so cute Tehh"

Tay pouts again. "You are deviating me from the actual problem"

New sighs. "Then why don't you tell me the actual problem?"

Tay avoid his eyes. "Tay, you know I love you right?" Tay nodded. "Then tell me"

"It's my brain"

"You are overthinking again?"

"Hm" Tay nodded. But he jumped in the sofa making both of them bounce. "But I swear, I shut them off, scolding them that they are wrong"

"This what you were doing at the bathroom?"

Tay nodded, grinning sheepishly. New face palms. "You took 2 hours"

"They won't shut up"

New sighs again. This happens everytime. Tay is tend to overthink everything which made a problem at their initial days. But as days pass by, Tay now knows that New loves him too. But he needed to hear it again and again, and New is more than happy to say that to him. Ofcourse he will, it is partially his fault that Tay is so insecure in their relationship.

Tay used to love New, while New already had a girlfriend. New knows about Tay's feelings ignoring it. But New can't help but fall for him. Tay made himself clear that New will not be his but New proposed suddenly. He was in disbelief.

Tay as a result can't help but think that New is replacing him with his ex girlfriend. New have to reassure him again and again.

With that said, maybe he is completely at fault. But he is determined to fix it as long as he can.

New manhandle the other, making him sit on his lap, kissing the pouty Tay again. Tay smiles at the feeling, his hands at New's waist. New grab his hand, twisting at his back. Tay gasp which made New easy to slip his tongue. Tay whins and moans. New tasted around his mouth, eating him out.

New let go, joining their forehead. He kissed his forehead. "I like your forehead" He kissed his nose. "I like your nose" He kissed his both eyes. Tay flutters his eyes close. "I like your eyes, so round and so innocent" He kissed his cheeks, cupping with his hand. "I like your cheeks, so squishy" He pulled his cheeks, making Tay swat his hands away, pouting. New kisses his lips. "I love you lips, so kissable"

New kissed his neck. "I like everything about you. Then why do you think I will have my eyes other than you. I can't leave my pouty lil baby"

Tay pouts again, clinging to his chest. New smiles, caressing his hair gently. "Something else is there?"

"No, wanna cuddle"

New chuckles, "ofcourse come"

New lay on the sofa, pulling the baby and hugging him. Tay made himself comfortable sighing in content.

New kiss on top of his head.

"I love you"

"I love you too, Hin"

New is damn happy to hear him calling him 'hin' again.

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