The angel devil

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Ship: PeteVegas

There isn't any doubt about how powerful Vegas is. Not because he is a theerapanyakun nor because he is Kan's son. He is powerful because he is he.

Vegas worked his ass off to gain the power he have. His extraordinary skills and manipulation power had drawn the attention of potential businessman making them want to deal with him. And his beauty is also no joke. Young people and even some old perverts wanted to get into his pants.

But Vegas had brush them off or even killed if they dared to lay a finger on him. Still the lust and desire flew in the air the moment he is present. Pete however is quite prideful that this beauty belongs to him, no one else.

Pete met Vegas before he started to work for Tankhun. Vegas was only 10 that time making Pete older by 3 years. Vegas was a cutie accompanied by his mother. He is shy, reserved and had big curious eyes. Pete knows that he fell for that boy harder, and he can wrap Pete in his little pinky finger without even trying.

Vegas was visiting Pete's grandmother who was his mother's distant aunt. Pete tried to talk to him but the introvert he is, he kept his distance. Pete was pouting angrily, when Vegas ever so shyly, come to him, offering a cup of ice cream. Pete was so happy that he picked the boy up and straight away kissed his cheek. Vegas giggles, and Pete felt like home.

And for the next 3 years, Vegas had visited Pete and they were so happy. Until Vegas' mother had died. Pete visited him with his granny, but Vegas no more give him the attention. He is sad and heartbroken. Pete thinks he forgot about him, but he saw Kan, hitting His Vegas, who was enduring it silently. Pete's blood boiled. But he can't do anything.

That time, Korn had visited him asking him to be a bodyguard after he is 18 which he accept not because he want to work but to protect Vegas. He waited for 2 more years and finally step inside the theerapanyakun mansion. He spot Vegas once, so shocked to see him cold, distant and a monster, nothing like the person he loves. But Pete can relate were he is coming from.

So Pete started to meet him secretly because major and minor already were enemies. As he expected, Vegas first pushed him away. Vegas was so tired with his Pa and major minor shit that he doesn't want another headache called Pete.

Vegas was sure he will run away just like others if they knew what he is. A monster and a whore who pleasures their business partners to get the deal. But his perspective change when once he was in a bar. Vegas was drinking casually when a sexually derived idiot had layed his hand on his thigh nearly assaulting him, if not that he is tired he would have been dead. But then, suddenly that man was dropped dead. Vegas watch in awe as Pete stands with a gun in his hand, laughing maniacally, no regret in his eyes.

People often think that Pete is an angel, with his cute face and dimple smile. But Pete's heart is filled with Venom, the result of his father's years of abuse. Pete was scared of how easily he can kill a person if they hurted Vegas. But he is aware of the devil inside him doesn't even stop if Vegas is hurt. He many times had the urge to kill Kan but upsetting Vegas had made him stop.

From that day onwards, little by little, they talked, stayed together in secret sharing their worries, healing each other. Pete was happy and he feels falling harder than before. Vegas surprised him by confessing but was sad that they have to keep this as a secret if they wanted to survive by Kan.

Macau is the only person who knows and he is quite happy. Pete had adopted him as his... No, their son. Macau was happy to have them as his parents.

Together they find their real self.


Vegas plopped on the bed with a sigh. It have been a long day and somehow it made him chuckles of how many people Pete will kill because of his jealousy.

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