
478 11 7

Pair: TankhunVegas

Vegas was not in a good mood. Why he will be? The bastard of his father had yet again made him a victim of his shitty deals. He made him to do the task he hates the most as if he is a slut. He isn't. He knows that. But times like this he question himself.

He never had a choice. Nor does he can oppose. If he did then his sweet younger brother will be the victim. Which of course he doesn't want. So he had to deal with whatever his Pa says and obediently obeys.

He need to get out of the bar, shower and sleep. But he can't, not until he saw, Tankhun, his elder cousin, sitting in the bar with his minions slash bodyguards. He tried to push back the concern to the corner of the his heart, especially when he saw all of them are wasted. The bodyguard's all are lying on the table, passed out. The eldest cousin in keeping his head on the table, probably passed out.

He tried to get out but his legs kept walking towards his cousin. He sighs gently looking at the other's face. He had his eyes closed. Vegas were about to call him when the other opens his eyes and look at him. Vegas step back. He never saw this look on his face, tension surrounding them.

Vegas clear his throat, "What are you doing No, go home"

Tankhun giggles like a kid. "Why? Are you worried"

Vegas chuckles dryly. "Who me? Pft no"

He can't help but chuckles nervously. Tankhun chuckles with him drunk ly. Vegas avoid his eyes. "I will call for help" Vegas was about to turn when he yelps and lands on the sofa, Tankhun was currently sitting.

Tankhun giggles yet again, pinching the shocked face of Vegas. Vegas knew how drunk he is with the smell he is getting from him. So he tried to sit up only to be pulled back yet again by Tankhun, this time close to him than before.

Vegas avoid his eyes, a unbelievable tension with them. Tankhun smiles softly, dropping his face in the younger's neck. Vegas become stiff. "So cute"


Did No just call him cute? No right? Right?

Tankhun raise his face, cupping th others face. "You are so pretty. Do you know that?" Vegas gulps and nod his head. Tankhun tisk, his hand going to Vegas' back.

"That Uncle is cunning Vegie, kill him"

He pulled the other closer, dropping his head on his neck. Vegas look at the side and startles when he saw Kinn sitting there, looking at them, sipping his expensive drink. Vegas look at him helpless and the shithead had the audacity to grin.

"No, we... Should leave"

"No no. I can only get this chance once"


"Hm. Chance to be close to you"

Vegas blinked and blinked. What is he blabbering. He sighs, Gently pushed the other. "Let's go"



Vegas is getting irritated. He stare at Tankhun who is looking down at his lips. "I want to kiss you" He immediately close his lips, pressed together. Tankhun chuckles slowly and somehow it seemed so hot to him.

"I'm serious Vegas. I really want to kiss you. And sleep with you. And love you"

Vegas gulps not liking the pleasure he is getting by his words. Tankhun pressed his nose to the other's neck, frowning when he smelled someone else's scent.

He looked at Vegas, who is blinking continuously. Tankhun is sober enough to see the delicate pupil of the other. He hide the smirk behind his giggle.

And without a warning pushed his lips to the other. Vegas was stunned to his seat, not forgetting Kinn is sitting just besides him. The said man is grinning widely, finally seeing his Hia making a fucking move. Now he can have a brake from the constant whining about his love of his Hia.

 Bl ThaiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora