Times Vegas was a green flag

432 6 0

Pair: VegasPete

Pete is going to visit Porsche. It's been two months since the war. Everything was messed up first. Vegas was in coma, fighting for his life. Kinn and Porsche were fighting with Korn, until Kinn was impatient and killed him. They had his funeral. Vegas woke up. They had to clear things and finally started to heal from everything.

In this, Pete was incredibly supportive of him, helping him with his nightmares and his emotional outburst. After a long tiring month he is finally free and is visiting his old friends.

As soon as Porsche saw him, he ran and hug his dear friend. "Pete, you asshole, how are you?" Pete smiles already used to his antics. "I'm fine"

Next was Tankhun, then Arm, Pol even Khun Kinn. All of them expressed how they missed him. They gather at the pool said, talking and telling jokes, when Porsche all of a sudden dropped a question.

"Pete, why don't you join back. We will love to have you again"

Pete stilled, not knowing how to answer. He stare at the distance. "I love to but, Vegas... He need me, you know. I want to be with him for some times and join back"

Kinn frowns. "Pete, you know him. He will be supportive."

"I know. It's just.... I need to be with him during his difficult time, that's it"

"Pete, Vegas will allow you"

"It's not that Porsche. He is supportive I know, but... He still flinches badly if I raise my hand. He still need me as much as I. So... We have to wait."

Pete closed his eyes, a cue to stop this discussion right now. Porsche sadly look at Kinn who smiles reassuring. He knows Vegas. He will convince him.

Pete after that can't shake off the question. He wanted to work again. He missed being in his uniform. That is what he did in his whole life. Brake was okay until he was alone in the mansion.

Vegas didn't said anything to him before about work, he will ask him to go, but,,.... Vegas was... In a difficult spot. He will get insecure and wanted Pete infront of his eyes all the time, as if Pete was his hallucination. Pete has to assure him again and again.

Vegas had constant nightmare, about his Pa, or client, or his Mama. He wake up shouting and crying. Pete had to lay besides him, caressing him, rocking him like a baby.

Thinking off all this made him want to stay with him. Deep down he wanted to talk about this with his beloved. Vegas, ever the observer asked him what happened.

"Pete what's wrong? You have been so quite since you returned from Major compound."

Pete stares at him softly, sighing as he shook his head.

"I'm okay. It's just..."

He shook his head again, staring at his eyes. Vegas looked at him assuring ly to keep going. Pete take a deep breath, nodding.

"Porsche asked me if I wanted to work again"

Vegas leaned back and cross his arms. "What did you say?"

"Of course no. I wanted to be with you"

Vegas smiles nodding. He played with the food infront of him. "Pete, I don't want to confine you in a room. You aren't my pet. You know that"

Pete shook his head. "No you interpret me wrongly. I. Wanted. To. Not. To. Work"

Vegas stare at his eyes. "Do you really?" Pete's confidence wavers a little at that. Vegas smiles, his smile reaching his ears.

"Pete, I want you to work. I need a partner who is incredibly strong as me, can protect themselves and even me. I want a equal partner, not someone below me. And you are. But if you stop working it will make you look like a wife. You are a man not a woman. We both are equal in this relationship. And also in bed."

Pete look at him, his eyes shining with love and respect for him. Vegas look at him again, caressing his hair.

"You go to work, work perfectly. You stay alive, less bloody and less injured as possible. And you come home. That's all I need."

Pete chuckles slowly. "I can work without seeing you. I can still make time once you get home. Come home. To me. To us. At the end of the day, be mine."

Pete was full on chuckling until he finish. He kissed the other hard. He felt incredibly happy to be his partner. He never thought the Vegas he knew will be a green flag sometimes.

"I love it when you dominant"

Pete raise his eyebrow. "Really!? Then next time I will do you"

Vegas smirks expecting the challange. "Sure" He is excited for this. "But make sure, you fulfill my expectations, because my expectations are high"

Pete bowed. "Yes my highness"


Porsche bumped his shoulder to Pete, who was looking outside the window, a wide grin on his face.

"Don't smile like a weirdo. You seems happy, mate"

"Because I am"


Porsche asked him questionably. Pete smiles, his cheeks hurting from smiling too much.

"I'm so damn happy Porsche. I am happy with Vegas"

"Wait, what happened?"

"He told me to go to work"


"Hm, he just wanted me to go home to him at the end of the day"

"That's... That's oddly sweet"

Pete grinned. "I know right" Porsche nodded. "I feel like... I'm... I'm falling in love with him again"

Porsche can't help but recall the lyrics of the song Arm was blasting on his mobile few days ago.

Uh oh, I'm falling in love
Oh no, I'm falling in love again
Oh, I'm falling in love

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