Minho's Choice

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Author's note: I do not put warnings but, be mindful here. Consent is a wonderful and necessary thing but it is not always there. You've been warned.

"What do you mean they broke up?" Chris looked at Minho slightly surprised by his tone. "They broke up a while back." "Is that why Felix keeps going to Sydney?" "He said he had some family issues to attend to. Anyway, this is between the two of them. They do not want to tell anyone just yet, so... Anyway, why are you so upset?" Chris asked with genuine confusion, seeing how Minho was literally fuming. "How could he?" Minho muttered. "What? Minho, wait!" Chris yelled as Minho stormed out of the studio and hit the streets. He was upset. No, he was angry. He would go to Hyunjin and tell him exactly what he was thinking. But why was he so furious? He pushed the thought away along with any attempt to make sense of his own feelings and actions and went to find Hyunjin, in his apartment.

Hyunjin was startled by the loud bang on the door. He went to open it and came face to face with an angry Minho. "What are you doing here? Aren't we supposed to meet at the studio later?" He asked confused. Minho shoved him aside and walked in. "Hey! What is wrong with you?" Hyunjin called indignantly. "What is wrong with YOU? How could YOU do this?" Minho was seething. "What?" Hyunjin stared at him confused again. "You broke up with him? How could you break his heart? I told you back then to look after him." Hyunjin was silent for a few moments, slowly realizing what the other was talking about. "Oh..." So, Felix finally spilled to Chris. He blinked, the raw ache in his heart coming back. "It is for the best." he replied in a neutral tone.

Why didn't he say it was Felix's idea though?

Minho scoffed. "Best! You've been dragging him along all these years, being possessive and jealous, and suddenly you just dump him?" "What makes you think it is my fault?" Hyunjin was getting angry. "Felix is soft and sensitive. He looked up to you. You were selfish and chose him and now it is too late..." "You really don't make any sense, Minho." "I thought you two would be together forever." "Well nothing lasts forever." Hyunjin said bitterly. But the older wasn't listening. "That's why I backed away, letting you two be together, supporting you..." Minho was so caught up in his own emotions that he did not realize what he just said. "What do you mean 'backed away'?" Hyunjin cut him off, confused. But suddenly, it dawned on him, the only reason Minho would be this upset. Yes, this was it: "Did you have feelings for Felix?" He stared at Minho in disbelief. "Why didn't you let him know? Why..." "Not Felix, you, you fool!" Minho shoved Hyunjin against the wall and trapped him between his arms, staring straight into his eyes, intensly, almost scary.

"You!" He repeated.


"All these years it was you I thought about and... and you... I..." He was not coherent anymore. His thoughts were a jumble, a mess. Could he now act on his own desires? Should he? His eyes strayed from Hyunjin's eyes to his lips. The latter's eyes widened.

"Minho, no! " Hyunjin struggled to push him away only to have his arms pinned to the wall, above his head with bruising force and Minho's lips crushed on his. "Stop..." His words drowned in Minho's lips. He tried to turn away, cold sweat running down his spine. How could this be happening? But the other was not in his right mind now, was he? "Stop it..." Hyunjin's muffled protest went unheard. He squirmed, caught between Minho's body and the wall, fighting to free himself only to be forcefully constricted by the other's knee between his thighs. Minho pressed his body against him and continued to kiss him aggressively, biting his bottom lip harshly. Hyunjin gasped and felt the other's tongue invading his mouth. "MIn..." He tried to push back. He was being manhandled in a very real and rough way, unable to fight back without things turning ugly. So he did the only thing that would probably knock some sense into Minho, he stopped fighting and stood completely still. 

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