2022, This Year Is For You

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Felix's POV

The New Year came in full force. New album, recordings, new choreos, rehearsals... a tour! We all work very hard. Minho hyung always teases Hyunjin especially in the new choreography and he accepts his fate stoically. I injured my back, so there is that. I have to take it easy. I am so upset!

At the concert in Seoul, I get extremely emotional. Seeing the fans again, being able to interact with them? I don't know. I am crying my eyes out on stage. Hyunjin is always around, to comfort me, hug me.

God, I crave his touch!


I don't know what to do some times. But Hyunjin always seems to be so oblivious to the impact he has on me. Maybe that is all it is meant to be: my -not so- secret crush, an unrequited love. But, do I love him in a romantic way? Gosh! I don't even know anymore. I am sure I had a crush on him since day one. What is happening to me? I find myself getting irritated when his attention slips away from me. Minho's constant teasing and Changbin's obsession with Hyunjin's lips annoy me! I mean, seriously? If I did any of those things, all hell would break loose, the fans would freak out. He would freak out? But, I can't anyway because of the staff again gets in the way, rearranging... It is so irritating to me, this constant meddling with just us two.


I was so thankful Hyunjin came and joined me on my live. We had such a good time together, talking and listening to music. I can't get over what a romantic soul he is, sometimes. We were so relaxed and in tune with each other. It was really nice, finally, just the two of us! And the fans, of course.

Is it wrong of me to want him? Still?


We were rehearsing just the 3 of us, Minho, Hyunjin and I for a new dance routine. When we were finished Hyunjin was, as expected, drenched in sweat and announced that he was going to shower first. Minho grunted a "Not without me" and ran after him. I stared at them both, irked beyond reason. What the fuck? Chris found me fuming in the practice room. "What's up Lix?" "Nothing..." I sulked. "C'mon, I know you. What's wrong? Is it about your injury? You know you've gotta still be careful." He looked at me sympathetically. "Chris... what am I gonna do?" Seeing the pained look on my face he sighed. "Is it about Hyunjin again?" he asked gently. I nodded a little embarrassed. I felt like a schoolgirl in the flurry of her first love. "Do you think he feels the same?" I asked in a small voice. "I don't know Lixie..." "Could you, um, find out?" Chris looked at me surprised. "No! Absolutely not!" "Please Chris! I need to know. I can't..." "Felix..." "He is always so attentive and caring and sweet and I..." "Lix,. Maybe that's all he is. I think you should let go." His tone was soft but firm. Tears threatened to spill from eyes.

No! No! I don't want to let go!


We were together, Hyunjin and I, at an event in Paris for a major luxury brand. Things were going pretty smoothly. We had a lot of fun, we were seeing and enjoying new things. It was quite exciting.

We received a lot of attention from our hosts, other guests, the press, the fans... Especially Hyunjin. He was the centre of most attention and rightly so. He always looks so handsome dressed up in suits. And then... To say that I was annoyed is an understatement. I know it wasn't his fault that one of the other celebrity guests, a woman, pretty much monopolized him. She had her paws all over him. He very subtly and politely tried to avoid her advances. But, hey! This is Hwang Hyunjin we are talking about! Who can resist him? Damn!

I was huffing annoyed all the way back to our hotel. We went inside our luxury suite, courtesy of our hosts. He leaned against the back of the couch, placing his hands on each side of his body, looking at me with a stoic expression on his face. "Yongbok, I am fine." "I am not!" I snapped.

You are mine!

I stood in front of him. "Yongbok..." I met his eyes with mine, fervent and lustful. I leaned into his face. My lips hovered just an inch away from his own. He parted his mouth slightly. His breath was heavy. I smelled the champagne.

Good! He can blame it on the alcohol tomorrow.

I grazed his lips lightly. He sighed. My tongue traced his plump lower lip. "We shouldn't do this." His voice was low and husky, barely audible. He was watching me through his long eyelashes. I touched his lips with mine, softly. As softly as I could, but wanting desperately to taste him properly.

A knock on the door caused us to pull away from each other.

"Who is it?" I asked, sounding more annoyed than I should. It was the manager with the next day's schedule. He started blabbering about this and that and itineraries and stuff. To say he killed the mood is an understatement. After half an hour of incessantly talking, he finally bid us good night and left.

Hyunjin seized the opportunity to escape as well, whispering a "Good night" and going to bed. I was left seething and needing him so badly, once again. I groaned, the annoyance coming back, and went to take a shower to cool off. Unfortunately, I was presented with a problem. A problem that demanded my attention. But my body did not want to cooperate. I struggled, touching myself to reach release but to no avail. And so I gave in to the forbidden fruit. I gave in to thinking about him. I was standing under the shower, supporting my body with my left hand against the tiled wall, stroking myself with the other, imagining him with me. His lips on mine, urgent and demanding. His hands touching me everywhere, in ways and places I shouldn't desire. I finally came hard moaning his name out loud. I leaned my back against the shower wall, trying to ride out my very intense orgasm, panting when...

"Felix? Are you okay?" I froze. Hyunjin was calling me from outside the bathroom. "Y... yes? I'm just... Um, do you want something?" I asked apprehensively. "I thought I heard you call my name." Fuck! Did he hear me? How will I face him? I'll die from embarrassment! "Oh, no it's nothing." I managed to say as nonchalantly as I could. "Go back to sleep." I bit my lip waiting for his answer. "Ok, baby. Call me if you need anything. Good night!"

Baby? Baby?!? That's it, he heard me! He knows what I was doing. I am so mortified right now! This man is going to be the death of me, I swear...

A/N: To anyone who still reads this, please ignore the unimaginative writing. I am currently experiencing writer's block as far as this story goes, while working on at least 3-4 other stories in draft... I promise it will get better. I think. :(

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