Are TheyTogether?

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Chris's POV

Minho and I were going through the footage from the fan meeting event. Hyunjin took Felix's hand firmly in his and took him along behind him. Our Lixie followed him like a lovesick puppy. He was so happy and Hyunjin exuded so much confidence. I was kind of relieved. Minho let out a sigh. "They were making out last night in the living room, you know." "You sound like a mom." I quipped. He scoffed. We continued going through the video, making observations, taking notes of things we'd want to change next time and other boring stuff, mostly in silence.

"So, he finally made up his mind?" Changbin's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I hadn't noticed him when he came in. "What?" I asked confused. "What do you mean 'what'? Will they finally be together? I cannot take any more teenage angst." "Since when do you know about them?" "Come on Chris! Everyone knows Felix had a crush on him since he first saw him. He spent the last five years staring at him with heart-eyes!" Changbin said in a matter-of –fact tone. "As for the tall one, he started acting suspiciously possessive around Felix sometime ago. But it took him a while to catch up to his own feelings, I guess..." he added. I nodded my head in agreement.

Very perceptive!

"So, what do we do now?" Minho and I looked at him confused. "They obviously need alone time. We live together; it is not going to be easy for them." "Nor for us." Minho muttered. Changbin looked at him questioningly. "Their mom, here..." I nodded towards Minho. " afraid they might do something inappropriate." Changbin and I laughed and Minho rolled his eyes. "The young ones are going to be confused." "Why?" "I don't know, I just said that as a joke..." Minho confessed.

"I was thinking..." Changbin began. "You think a lot lately, be careful not to hurt yourself." Minho sounded annoyed for some reason. Changbin ignored him. "I mean, after all the events and before the tour, we have a couple of weeks off, we can practically disappear for a while. All of us." "Wow! You've thought about this a lot!" Minho was eyeing him suspiciously. "Believe me; I am looking out for myself as well." "Oh? And who is the lucky person, pray tell?" Minho asked, his voice dripping with curiosity. "Like I would actually tell you..." Changbin rolled his eyes at him.

"Well!" I interrupted their bantering. "We should discuss this further. Maybe we all need to 'disappear' for a few days. We have a very packed schedule in autumn and it will be nice to relax." Minho eyed me suspiciously. "Is that so?" "Um, so..." I cleared my voice and continued. "I' was planning a trip to Europe for a... ahem, personal reasons." They both looked at me suspiciously now. "You've planned this already!" They chanted together. I felt my ears burn but I kept my composure. I am the leader after all. Yeah... "I was planning on asking Felix to come along. I suppose they both can, if they want to, that is." I added nonchalantly. "Are you gonna be third-wheeling?" "Of course not! I'll leave them alone and, erm, go somewhere else..." I trailed off. Minho's eyes could not narrow any further. "It will look less suspicious if the three of us go away together." I added confidently. "Hmmm, well, it sounds like a plan." Changbin finally spoke. "We have to ask them too, you know." Minho stopped him, because he was looking ready to go pack their bags. "Yes, of course..." "Besides, we have some time ahead of us and lots of things to do. And we don't know what might happen in the mean time." Minho concluded dryly.


Felix looked at me puzzled. "Do you think that's a good idea? Just the two of us, alone?" "Don't you want the alone time?" "I guess... I was planning on going back to Sydney and I wanted to ask him to come with me..." He trailed off thoughtfully. "...but I guess you are right. There will be a lot of distractions back home." He was looking frustrated. "What is troubling you Felix? Isn't this what you want?" He sighed. "Yes..." "But?" "I am afraid." "Of what?" He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Felix, you know you can tell me anything." "I... I don't know how to be... intimate with him." I admit, that was a curveball he threw at me! He bit his lip nervously. "It will be your first time?" I asked gently. He nodded. "With a man." His cheeks were red and he looked everywhere but me. "I thought that, with all that happened between you two... I mean that time in your room, I got the impression that you were about to... and he backed away. Am I wrong?" "I guess in the heat of the moment I did not give it much thought."

Neither of you gave it much thought and caused all this drama! I rolled my eyes mentally.

He finally looked at me. "But now that we cooled down a little... I am a little nervous." "Lixie, that boy cares deeply for you. He will never push you into something you don't want to do." "But I want him Chris." He was all teary again. "And I want things to be perfect between us." He sobbed. "Baby, you think too much. Everything will be fine. He might feel nervous as well, have you thought about that? You will figure things out together. Don't get yourself all worked up for nothing." "You think so?" "Yes, I know so!" I looked at him with encouragingly. We spent a few moments in silence while he calmed down.

"Now, what do you say about the trip? Do you want to talk to Hyunjin about it?"  I asked again gently. He nodded wiping his eyes. I hugged him tightly. "Oh Lixie! Why do you do this to yourself? Communication is key; don't you know that by now?" "Just don't tell him any of this." "Of course not baby. My lips are sealed." I patted him on the back gently. "Go now and talk with him. Go!"

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