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Author's Note: I would like to remind everyone that this is fiction. Don't take any of  it to heart. Thank you.

Felix and Chris ran to the ER. "Where are they? Where are they?" The younger looked around frantically. "Felix, calm down. There, our manager !" Chris pointed and took his hand. "Chris! Over here!" A slightly disheveled man waved at them. The boys quickly went to him. "What happened? Are they alright? Are you alright?" Chris pointed at the man's bandaged arm. "Yes, don't worry. Just minor injuries, more frightened than anything else. The boys are in here. Go on, I'll take care of things with the hospital. We will try to keep the press away for as long as we can. The company wants to keep this under wraps entirely, if possible." "But..." Chris began to say something. "I know. They want to make it public some other time... when it's all over." Chris pursed his lips in an extremely thin line. "Come on Lix." He nudged the younger softly. It was evident Felix had been crying and his lip was still quivering.

They walked into the room. Hyunjin was on the first bed, lying with his eyes shut. He had a bandage on his forehead. Minho was on the middle bed. He had some bruises and cuts, but he seemed ok. Seungmin looked totally fine, at least on the outside. Felix ran to Hyunjin and hugged him tightly. He started crying again. "Hey, hey, Lix... I am fine baby, don't cry..." Hyunjin patted his head gently. Felix buried his face on his chest and sobbed. "I was so scared, Jinnie!" When I heard... What would I do if something happened to you?" "I am here Yongbok. I am alright, don't cry..." Minho watched them, concerned. "What happened, Min?" Chris sat down next to him. "We just hit the vehicle in front of us. That is all I can really tell you." He lowered his voice: "Hyunjin was talking to Seung who was sitting in the back seat. He had his back turned. And the crash threw him forward harder. He hit his head. He was out cold all the way to the hospital." He took a deep breath. "The doctors did a CT scan and all. It's nothing serious, they said, just a mild concussion." Chris sighed in relief. "We were lucky, I guess." Minho looked at Chris with wide glistening eyes. "I nearly lost it, hyung, when I called him and he... he didn't respond." Minho whispered blinking hard. Chris patted his shoulder gently. He knew that only he had the privilege of seeing Minho vulnerable. "It is fine Min. You are all fine. That's what matters." "Hey! I am here too!" Seungmin cried indignantly. "Shut up puppy, you are alright." Minho retorted throwing him a dirty look which Seung reciprocated unafraid.

Chris stood up. "I am going to find our manager, see when you can get out of here." He left the room with the three boys plus koala-Felix who didn't even consider of detaching himself from his man. Minho looked at them affectionately and sighed. Seungmin was still muttering indignantly about how he was treated like a dog. Hyunjin laughed softly hearing him. Felix finally raised his head and wiped away his tears. He didn't want to say anything. He just wanted the universe to assure him that nothing will ever happen to Hyunjin. He kept staring at him with wide doe eyes, ready to tear up again. Everyone was quite, even the disgruntled puppy when Chris came back.

"Good news. Minho and Seung can leave right away. Hyunjin, the doctor wants you to stay the night, to monitor you just in case you feel any kind of nausea or something." They all nodded in agreement. "I'll stay with you!" Felix said. "Felix, you can't. You have an early flight tomorrow. Let's not complicate things." Chris was quick to curb the young one's appetite. "But Chris! He can't be here alone! What if he needs something?" "I'll stay with him. You can go." Minho interjected. "But..." "C'mon Lix. Don't make a fuss." Felix pouted. He hugged Hyunjin again and followed Chris and Seungmin out, still pouting.

Minho took a chair and sat next to Hyunjin's bed. He put his hand over the young man's that was resting on his lap. His eyes searched for Hyunjin's. "You should go too." Hyunjin said softly. "Get some rest." "I am fine. Someone needs to watch over you. A responsible adult." Minho smirked. Hyunjin laughed. "Oh, my head hurts." "Lay back and rest." Ok, hyung..." "Mmm, you remember to call me hyung only when it is just the two of us." Minho pointed out feigning annoyance. Hyunjin smiled. "I'll never call you hyung in public." "Insolent child." "Hahaha... oh, it hurts..."

They were silent for a while. Hyunjin had his eyes closed. "You know, when I called your name and you did not answer, I felt all the blood drain from me. Don't ever do that to me again..." Minho whispered these words. He wasn't sure if he wanted the other to listen to him or not, but Hyunjin squeezed his hand gently. "I am glad I have you, hyung." Minho turned his head away. Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes. He blinked several times to push them back. He had a reputation to live up to, after all.


Felix was anxious and stressed throughout his trip to Italy. He video called Hyunjin at least twice a day which was tricky due to the time difference and his packed up schedule. It was a real headache for his manager as well. Thankfully, it was only for a few days. When he got off the airplane he wanted to run and grab a taxi, leave through the back way incognito, to be with Hyunjin as soon as possible, but his manager flat out refused. "You have obligations to your sponsors, Felix. I understand how worried you are for your band mates but, you must remain professional." Felix bowed his head in resignation. He put on his best smile and came out to face the press and fans who were waiting for him as always. When he finally got into the car, he let out a sigh. "Let's go please, as fast as we can."

As soon as he got to the dorms he ran into Hyunjin's room. The latter was taking a nap, resting. Felix closed the door behind him. Jeongin and Seungmin who happened to walk by looked at each other knowingly. They intercepted Changbin on their way to the common area. "What's up guys?" He asked confused. "Felix went to see Hyunjin-hyung." Jeongin said. "We are going to watch a movie." He continued. "Yes, a loud one!" Seungmin added. Changbin chuckled amused, following the boys.

"Hey Lix..." A sleepy Hyunjin wakes up by Felix's light touch. "You're back." "I'm back." Felix smiles softly. "I missed you." Hyunjin smiles and tries to sit up. "Don't... Lie back." Felix pushes him gently, his voice sounds lower, sultrier than usual. Hyunjin stares at him with a mix of curiosity and anticipation, lying back on the pillows. Felix crawls on top of him, caging him between his arms, and bends down. His lips softly graze Hyunjin's. "I missed you too, Jinnie." He whispers. Their mouths connect, their tongues meet in a slow sensual way. Hyunjin sighs into the kiss in contentment. Felix's hand reaches between them, down to his waistband. His fingers graze Hyunjin's crotch gently. He palms and strokes him to the rhythm of their kiss, slowly, painfully slowly. Hyunjin's sighs get deeper. "Baby..." He breathes. "Shhh. Let me take care of you." Felix locks eyes with him while his hands slowly slide Hyunjin's waistband lower. The other lifts his hips slightly and the obstructing clothing gets out of the way. "Aren't you tired from the flight?" Hyunjin asks though his voice sounds lustful. "Not all." Felix's hands are now caressing the bare skin of his thighs and lower abdomen, circling around his member as he continues to stare deep in Hyunjin's eyes. The latter's lips part slightly as he relishes the treatment he receives. When Felix wraps his fingers again around his now hard erection, he groans and throws his head back. His breathing becomes heavier and Felix's name becomes a hushed whisper falling endlessly from his lips, as more electric shock waves run up his spine and heat pulls in his groin with each bold caress. The sudden warm wetness around his member prompts him to look back at Felix, who has just taken him into his mouth. "Oh God, Lix!" He manages to say before succumbing to the pleasure the other is giving him. He throws his head back again abandoning himself to the blond's mouth and hands, his deft fingers sensually stroking and grazing anywhere his tongue and lips cannot reach.

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