Everything Is Fine Pt.II - Unexpected Turn Of Events

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Chris' POV

I was in the studio with Changbin and Minho. Our recording schedule was a mess, thanks to Felix, and we were trying to get things back in order. 

"Where is Jisung?" I asked, freaking out about the constant delays we had. Changbin shrugged. "He is on his way, hyung. Calm down." Minho replied unperturbed. Seungmin and Jeongin had already completed their parts. So had Hyunjin. I huffed still frustrated with everything when my phone rang. I answered and what I heard made the world fade around me. The device slipped from my hand. "Hyung? Are you alright? You look pale." Changbin's voice snapped me out of the spiraling agony I felt, while Minho picked up the phone from the floor and spoke in my place. "Who was on the phone? Did something happen?" Changbin asked the moment he hung up. Minho looked at me and Changbin, biting his lip. "Jisung had an accident, on his way to the studio. He is at the hospital." I answered with a trembling voice. "Hyung, fortunately it's nothing serious." Minho spoke softly. He was able to go through what I was too terrified to hear. He also was pale but significantly calmer. "Are you okay, hyung?" Both of them looked at me concerned. They weren't used to seeing me break down. I guess I was growing old and didn't have much strength anymore. "I need to go there." I breathed still shaken, and rushed out. "Hyung! Wait we are coming with you!"

As it turned out, Jisung only had some bruises and minor injuries, a small fracture and a big lump on his head. The doctors suggested rest and absolutely no activities whatsoever for at least a month. Jisung whined like a child, protesting and declaring that he would be out and about in a couple of days.

"I don't want to miss the come-back!" He whined yet again. "It doesn't matter Ji. Your health is more important." I spoke assuming the role of dad, trying to reason with him. "If it doesn't matter then, wait for me!" He crossed his arms over his chest, pouting. Minho rolled his eyes and Changbin huffed. "I'm serious!" Jisung spat. "Postpone it for a month! If it's not a big deal!" He puffed his puffy cheeks more - if that's even possible - indignantly. I took a deep breath. "I guess we can do that. It's not a big deal. And our fans will understand." "Thank you!" Jisung raised his chin, looking at all of us smugly, feeling vindicated.

And so, our comeback got delayed due to Jisung's accident. A couple of months did not really make a difference and we all agreed it was better for all of us to be present. And we would not be so stressed. But I forgot I had another rebelious child on my hands...

"So you won't mind me leaving for a couple of days, right? I'll go back to Sydney for a few days." Felix was fiddling with his phone, avoiding eye contact. "Again?!? Felix! What the hell is going on? What are you not telling me?" "It's personal." I looked at him in disbelief. "Personal?" He nodded silently. I sighed. "Ok... Is Hyunjin going with you?" He looked at me confused and I stared back equally confused by his confusion. "What? Is something wrong between you two?" "No, nothing is wrong. I'll just be gone for a few days, there's no need for him to make such a long trip." "Right..."

Felix's POV

When Jisung asked us to wait for him to recover, I took the opportunity to leave again. Or, to escape. If I'm honest, I couldn't handle seeing you everyday Hyunjin-ah, hovering around me like an ominous ghost, reminding me of my crime. I ran to hide, miles away, in Stella's arms. We spent hours locked in her apartment, just the two of us, lost in each other, with no attempt to address or define what was going on between us. We were friends after all, we behaved as we were used to with each other. Right?

"Felix?" I heard her voice in my ear. We were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. I sensed there was something on her mind since I got here. "Yes?" I replied.  "I want to tell you something. But I want you to keep an open mind and not freak out or jump to conclusions." "Oh?" She took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." I froze, looking at her stunned. "I'm thinking of keeping the baby." She continued carefully. "I do not expect anything from you. I do not want you to feel obligated or anything like that. I am telling cause I think you should know. It is your baby too, after all." She looked at me a little concerned by my lack of response. I was unable to speak. My mouth was opening and closing but no sound was coming out. Stella sighed. "During my marriage, I thought that this wasn't going to happen, no matter how hard we tried. It was a blessing in disguise, since we ended up divorcing. But now, being in my thirties, single... I think this is the real blessing." She was smiling while rubbing her belly. "I'll be there for you!" I cut her off. "We can get married if you like..." "Felix, sweetheart, no. Haven't you listened to what I just said?" She cupped my face. "I'm not asking you to 'take responsibility'. If you want to be present then I'm delighted. But, we both know that your heart is elsewhere. And it wouldn't be right for any of us to ignore this." "Stella, there is nothing..." "Yongbok, you still love him. You still haven't talked to him about what made you break up with him. You should, Yongbok. You really should."

I knew she was right but, If I did that, I would fall back into his arms and we would go back to square one. Right?

When I got back to Seoul, my mind was a jumble, my heart was a mess. And then Hyunjin-ah, why did you have to be so sweet? During the fan meeting. You took my hand like old times. I haven't touched you since our last night together. The warmth of your hand, your feel of skin on mine... Oh, how I've missed it! I've missed your touch more than I care to admit.

And I did something I really shouldn't. And it came back, biting me in the ass. All my determination, all my carefully built walls came crashing down. What am I going to do now?

My mind went to Chris. I thought I could confide in him and maybe I could figure out what I want now. I had little to no time before my flight, so I waited for him at the studio. "I fucked up, Chris!" I was really stressing. "I fucked up big time!"

The Story of Us - Hyunlix - HyunhoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon