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Chris' POV

Felix was back - only for the online fan meeting we held and his recordings, he would leave for Australia again. I couldn't make sense of what was going on in his mind and even more so when I found him waiting for me at the studio, just before he went to the airport. 

"What's going on, Lix?" He was chewing his on his bottom lip in an alarming way. "Chris... I, ...I fucked up." He was looking at me, stressing out. "I fucked up big time!" "What do you mean? What did you do? I mean, how bad it can be..." "Hyunjin and I broke up a while back." Finally! He decided to confess! I took a deep breath preparing myself for the rest. I didn't know what was coming... "Ok, I figured as much. You both look miserable for a while now. So, you wanna get back with him?" I asked seeing him getting even more anxious. "I don't know if I can..." He looked at me with desperation clear in his eyes and voice. "Why? I mean, whatever happened between you two, you can work it out, I am sure. He loves you so much and you do too. You went through so much together." I walked over to him and pushed him gently to sit on the couch, with me. "And, why did you break up in the first place, Lix? You never said anything about it." I admit I was curious. "I thought he'd want kids and a family. Seeing how he is with Seungmin's kid..." "You thought?" I cut him off flabbergasted. "You never asked? You just thought? Felix!" This kid always got caught up in his own head. I huffed frustrated. "I... I thought... It would be difficult for us to go on. We could never have a public relationship here and ... I figured he would grow tired of it." "Don't you think you should have discussed it with him first? Before jumping to conclusions? Unless, these are your own intentions and you project them to Hyunjin." He shook his head vigorously. "No! No!" he denied vehemently. I sighed exasperated. "Felix, sometimes I think you just get ahead of yourself, assuming things that are simply not an issue..."

"Stella is pregnant." He blurted out. I stared at him in bewilderement. "What? Stella? How is Stella a part of this equation?" I was totally confused. He bowed his head, avoiding my eyes. It suddenly dawned on me. Oh, no...

"I thought she was married to some guy." I said hesitantly. "She got a divorce a while back." I tried to keep calm. "Did you have an affair with her behind Hyunjin's back?" Felix looked at me in shock. "No! No! It was just a one time thing..." He bit his lip. He was lying. "It just happened." "If it was a one time thing, then what..." "It happened again." He was looking at the floor, avoiding my eyes now. "Again?" "We short of, I mean... We are kind of spending time together now? And she found out she is pregnant and she wants to keep the.. and she thought I should know." I was getting more and more confused. "I told her that I will be there for her and the baby." He bowed his head again. It was my turn to be in utter shock. "Are you going to get married, then?" He remained silent. "Do you even feel anything for her? Do you love her? How will you start a family with someone you just have casual sex?" Pleading eyes met mine. "It is not like that, Chris. We've known each other since kindergarten." "It is not the same Lix." "Isn't though a blessing to be best friends with your partner?" "Not when you are still in love with someone else Lix, no... this is wrong. And, I'm asking you again, is she going to be your partner?" His eyes were filled with tears. His whole demeanor was a plea for me to understand. I took a deep breath.

"So, what now? Why are you having second thoughts about Hyunjin? If you were so adamant about ending your relationship." He stared at the wall, avoiding my eyes. "Yesterday, when he... he held my hand during the online event... It was like none of this mess ever happened. He was so... so attentive." Felix was sobbing hard by now. I couldn't stay mad at him. He fell into my arms, burying his face in my chest. "I fucked up Chris. I fucked up big time. Did I lose him forever?" "Yeah... yeah you fucked up." I sighed, keeping my voice was calm. I rubbed his back gently, trying to soothe his anguish and calm him down a bit. "And now it is time to take responsibility for your actions. I am so sorry Lix. Think carefully of what you will dofrom now on. Stella deserves better than you going back and forth, dragging her into your drama, having second thoughts. So does Hyunjin. They both deserve better." He raised his head. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. "I have to clear things up with him. And I made a promise to her..." He sobbed again. "I can't break my promise..." His voice cracked. I swear to God, my heart sank to see him like that. He was heartbroken as well. And I can't imagine what this will do to Hyunjin, once he finds out. Hyunjin who didn't let anyone know what was going on, who keeps everything bottled up inside him. Hyunjin who smiles every day, comforting others for every little setback, being there for Jisung like a brother, taking care of everything.

Hyunjin who waited for Felix to come back to him...

"You have to tell him." I said softly. "You must tell him everything." "No! No!" Felix panicked again. "Not yet! Chris, please! I can't right now! I need... I have to... to think!" "Ok, ok! Calm down Lix." "No one else can know either. Promise me you won't tell anyone about this. About any of this!" I stared at him puzzled. What was the point of waiting? But Felix was beside himself. He looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack. I reluctantly nodded. "Alright. I will leave it up to you... to both of you. You will share it with the rest of us when you decide to." "Thank you Chris!" He wiped his face with the back of his hands, taking deep breaths to calm himself. "Thank you..."

What a mess!

He ran out of the studio in a hurry to catch his flight, just as Minho entered. "I guess that leaves just the two of us to continue." I sighed, looking at the recording schedule. "Why have he and the ferret been acting weird lately?" Minho asked me, furrowing his eyebrow. "And why does he keep going to Sydney? Is there something wrong?" I contemplated for a moment or two. Should I tell Minho? Felix asked me not to say anything but, it was only Minho. If I was the group's dad, he was the acting mom. I huffed. "They broke up." I dared not share the rest of the drama with Minho. This was enough info. Minho's eyes widened with surprise. "What?" "They broke up, a while back." I fiddled with the pen in my hand. "Felix asked me not to say anything, so don't discuss it with the others." 

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