Chapter {11}.

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Cairo's Point Of View:

The Blonde had my hand, intertwined with hers. It was so comforting, yet it felt so Wrong...

-"Cairo...Please. It hurts me inside..."

The words sounded, so Meaningful...

Although I have vowed to never fall in love, this moment proves that promises are not always easy to keep. As much as I want to remain steadfast in my conviction, my heart is making this choice look like a Acceptance.

-"I know that all this things, are sudden for you...but, I want you to know that I love you and I always will no matter what...", She said.

She really meant those words. It was clearly written over those eyes. It was filled with passion, love, and honesty..

I have always been the bad role among all the moments, this shouldn't be hard, right..?

Before the taller one could pull me into a rather uncomplaining Collision of our lips-



We stopped, instantly. Walker hesitated for a moment before I could open the door. Her touch was odd, as if she was hesitant of me opening the wooden surface.

Opening the Door, Our eyes immediately met Detective Riley's with a bunch of Police standing behind her. 

-"Sorry for bother but, had some news over the murder of Mr. Miller. Thought you two will be interested", spoke the detective. 

-"Hope I'm not interrupting something".

-"..N-No, you're not. Please Come in" I welcomed Riley in, with CC having the face of judgement and annoyance. 

Both of us, cleared our throat. Knowing that Walker was pissed, I was relieved to have the Detective home. Not that I complain being alone with CC, but I Need Time To Think...

She sat down, letting the other polices stand outside. Both of us, sitting in front of her. CC was really fired, her voice made it clear. 

𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (CAIROCC) 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now