Chapter {9}.

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CC's P. O. V:

I locked my Bike against the wall and ran toward the College. Greeting some of my partners in soccer, I saw Cairo standing at a corner while a Guy was checking inside.

I raised an eyebrow and immediately went to the girl. Standing few inches away from Cairo's back, I whispered.

-"What's this sudden Morning bullshit?"

-"I don't carry the faintest Idea, of what this is about?"

We both stood for a while, till the man was done checking and faced us, mostly Cairo.

-"I couldn't find any evidence related to the Murder. Thank you for the time, Ms. Sweet".

Cairo thanked the Man, and then I questioned like a 5 year old kid.

-"What's this about, Dude?"

-"Detective Riley, send me here to check on the lockers and try to find any suspicious objects that can be related to the Case".

I wanted to ask the dude, that why the fuck are we the ones getting all fucked up and getting checked so fucking much...!?
Like I mean, there was clearly more people around...

-"Ms. Walker. It is time to check your locker, Please if you may unlock the code and let me".

I turned toward Cairo and our eyes met. Concerned Brown eyes, locked with my Nervous Blue yet Green Ones.

I gulped and then leaded the Man, to my locker.

I had no fucking idea, for what reason I was feeling nervous for but I knew it had something to do with my Bad Habit...

I unlocked the Locker, with my sore throat I offered him the way.

He started to move my things here and there, while my whole brain circulating Nervousness and nervousness, only. 

Thankfully, no students were there...

-"Why are you so scared for?" The woman beside me, whispered. Our hands and shoulders met for a slight second. 

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