Chapter {16}.

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CC's Point Of View:

After many days, the sun finally shone outside. Illuminating all the objects, my eyes slowly opened from the radiate light. I wanted to grab a pillow from my side and blind my sight. 

But knowing that today was something important for me and Cairo, I moderately sat up. Rubbing my eyes and yawning, I stood up scratching the back of my neck. I looked to see, there was no one. Sweet must have woken up before me. 

I went down and saw Cairo sitting on the chair, inhaling a cigarette. I rolled my eyes and stood behind her. -"Morning Walker".

I hummed and gently tapped on her shoulders as a gesture of replying back without using words. I sat down, spreading my legs which only made the girl weakly chuckle. 
-"Your ways of sitting is very confidential" 

I smiled, not knowing what she meant and decided to tease her a bit
-"Ναι, σίγουρα γυναίκα" (Yeah, sure woman). 

Travelling my hands behind my head, the woman looked at me as if I said something illegal.
-"...Wait, you speak...Greek?" I answered her with a wink, at which she rolled her eyes and released some smoke. 

-"Why, you didn't think a girl like me can talk Greek? Well, guess you're wrong then, woman"
I mocked. Cairo stared at me for a couple of minutes, -"Come here..."

For some reason, I felt something wash down my whole body the moment I heard her. That girl's way of speaking sometimes scares me, I gulped and stood up making my way towards her
-"...Come on, C-Cairo I was just kidding. I didn't mean anything so seriously...Plus whatever I spoke in Greek, wasn't some sort of curse towards you, I promise..." 

She straightened her posture and with a instant move, she grabbed my collar and kneeled me down to her height. Our Faces inches away...

-"Tienes razón, cariño, nunca pensé que una chica tan tonta pudiera hablar griego"
(You're right, Darling I never thought a girl so foolish can speak Greek)

Cairo whispered, crossing her legs and trapping me in her narrowed yet addicting gaze.

The cigarette's aroma hit my nose like an pinch on the skin, and I already lost myself in her words. Not understanding a single letter, the only thing I could do was to gulp again, more slowly. 

That voice is definitely now a favorite sound to my ears, and if I can save that to my playlist. I will repeat it a billion times. That Woman Is Crazy, And I Am All Up For It...

She smirked, while I bowed my head down in front of her and sighed, accepting my defeat. 
I would have never done it, if it was someone else...
But Cairo...
She's an Exception, I guess...


Cairo's Point Of View:

-"Damn, woman. What took you so long?" The player asked intertwining the laces of her Adidas Shoes. I rolled my eyes and put my bag on one shoulder, throwing the keys at Walker. She caught the object and made her way towards me, before I could put my heels on.

-"What happened? Is something wrong?" Her voice was relaxing and felt like a Medicine to my hearing. I nodded a No -"...Did I do something wrong?" 

This time, she sounded guilty with worriedness. Feeling sick, I answered fragile -"No...You didn't, I am having my period..." CC went silent for a minute -"Are you having pain?" 

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