Chapter {15}.

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Cairo's Point Of View:

-"I told you to stay behind me. Woman!"
The girl came running from behind and grabbed me at once, gently.

I rolled my eyes and spoke -"Well, you could just run faster, and who said anything about running? I am walking"

-"I don't understand. How can a 5'1 inches body walk so fast?!"
The blonde exclaimed, interlacing our fingers, taking deep breathe. I didn't speak.

-"Whatever. Let's keep moving before, we get any late", She nodded and leaded the way.

Walking with Walker felt different.

Something that I used to feel when I was with Mr. Miller...

Whenever he spoke, I would listen to him. All the surroundings silenced at the moment.

I never thought I will ever feel this way Again, but CC changed the determination.

She once again, made me feel that way...
She Did...


-"Okay. Finally we are here, now you stay here while I go in and get your things. How does that sound, Reasonable?" I gave her a look, which she gave me back.

-"What?" She asked.

-"That sounds Terrible," I declared as I strode towards the gate. But before I could push it open, Walker inexplicably pulled me into an embrace, causing us both to tumble to the ground in the most awkward positions imaginable.

I was once again on top of CC, with my back against her front. I was too exhausted to do anything but stay there. Unbelievable...

I discovered that the Player didn't bother either. She sighed with frustration and let her arms fall to the ground. Fortunately, I didn't have any Neighbors to face, cross paths with, or bump into. It was just the two of us there. -"Are you satisfied, Walker?" I spoke with as much sarcasm as I could muster.

-"Absolutely, I couldn't be more Satisfied..." she declared, her voice dripping with sarcasm and a hint of exasperation.

CC's Point Of View:

Well that was Embarrassing. Good job, CC!
You achieved another Failure...

The older one walked in. This time I stayed behind her, with no words being uttered. I got too distracted with what just happened with us. Sweet then decided to snap me out of my thoughts, with a great force applied over my Cheek.

-"Ouch!" I squeaked, caressing the spot.

-"What? I snapped you out of your thoughts, You're Welcome" She added.

-"Seriously? A Slap?! You could have just called my name out or something..."

I spoke still caressing the place. She rolled her eyes, sighed and turned around.

Putting her hand over mine, the older woman immediately shot me with a Sack of Goosebumps. Her tenderly caress on the above layer of my palm, acted as an Unknown yet pleasuring feeling over my Skin.

-"Quite complaining and Focus on the main course, Walker" Her voice sent shivers down my spine, which felt debating.

I hummed, she went to do her business. Caressing and talking in the most hottest way possible was her strategy to pull me out of my thoughts?...
Well, Unlucky for her, she made it Worse!

𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 (CAIROCC) Where stories live. Discover now