Day no. 9

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I woke up alone in Leora's bed. I dressed myself, washed myself and looked for Leora, but I didn't find her anywhere. I found a piece of paper on the fridge with her name and an excuse  she had to leave to finish her work at the cake shop and that she would make it up to me at the first opportunity. I left the apartment and left the key above the door. Leslie flooded my cell phone with messages. She asked where I was and that she had to see me.

We agreed to have coffee near the museum, and I was nervous about what the problem was. My sister, just like always, had a habit of making me wait for 20 to 30 minutes before she appeared grandiose herself. I knew either she was mad at me or I was in trouble without even knowing it. I sat nervously scrolling on my mobile phone and listening to the table behind me where a young man was talking about Leora as a goddess who was satisfied with the attention of a male whore (or me) and persistently refused him. I was grinning like a fool until suddenly Leslie hit me over the head with her magazine.

- Where are you? - she snapped at me angrily.

- I spent the night at Leora's place. What's the problem?

- Well, wait a minute...are you seriously together then? Isn't that sudden, brother?

- Don't bother me. I can do whatever I want. are in love. You are head over heels in love.

I laughed as I felt my cheeks burn and my heart pound uncontrollably. I talked to my sister for a little while before we headed home.

Leslie decided it would be nice to have a family movie night in the garden. We watched old movies and showed the nephews footage of Lauren, Leslie and I as kids. The evening went really well, but I waited until I was alone in the room so I could hear Leora. I lounged on the bed and corresponded with Coyote about the new maneuvers and how Rooster was getting nothing on the mission again.

- You fool. - Rooster giggled drunkenly.

- You know we didn't love and caress before. Cool down. - answered Hangman with a smile.

So sprawled out, I fiddled with my cell phone, waiting for Leora's message. I wanted to be constantly near her. It was long past my bedtime and I just fell asleep. I woke up after Wyatt jumped on me to take him to the park and go get pancakes. That was our "little secret just for the boys". After much negotiation and stretching, I gave in and we went for pancakes. We sat down in a small restaurant on the corner and ordered pancakes when I saw my Leora enter the door with a couple of other girls and boys. They were dressed in chef's uniforms, except that her team wore black, and she wore dark green, which looked a lot like my flight suit. It even had a decorative captain's patch. You could see they were tired with dark circles the size of America. Leora noticed me before she sat down at the table with her team but headed towards me.

-Are these the adorable Seresin boys?- she asked.

- My uncle brought me for pancakes. That's our secret. - Wyatt expertly explained to her.

- That's nice of him. But, hey, I'm sorry I didn't get back to you. We just finished. I brought them to breakfast. Sorry. - Leora said to me worriedly.

- I knew you were working. Do not worry. Go to your team and I'll feed this little rascal so I'll see you when you get some rest. OK?

- Ok. You're wonderful. See you later, Jake. See you, Wyatt. - she said and kissed first my cheek and then Wyatt's cheek.

She went to her team, and we finished breakfast and headed to the park.

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