Day no. 1

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-If someone had told me that Bagman would come back to Miramar married, I wouldn't have believed him.- Phoenix said and took a sip of beer.

- And you didn't tell anyone? We don't even know who she is.- Payback followed up on Phoenix.

- Ok ok, I know it's sudden, but I didn't want to be without her. We got married after 6 months of dating. I just knew she was the one. And I'm honestly sorry I didn't invite anyone. - I explained to everyone, spinning the bottle of beer on my thigh.

I was known as a womanizer and someone who made girls take off their panties with every breath I took. But that changed when I met my girl. I knew I couldn't let her go.

- I want to know everything. Where, how, why? And for God's sake, where was she looking when she ran into you. - Penny said sitting on Maverick's lap.

- It's a long story.

- We have time. - Bob interjected suddenly, as invisible as always.

- Where should I start from? - I asked, rubbing my face.

- FROM THE BEGINNING!- everyone screamed in unison so much they scared me.

Our story begins in Austin where I returned after our mission and Top Gun training. I came back to use the accumulated free days I had and at the same time I wanted to surprise my parents, considering that my mom always cries that she doesn't see me too much. My sisters Leslie and Lauren were always happy to welcome me back home to the family ranch. Jack, my best friend from childhood, was also there. We did everything together and often helped my grandfather with the horses. I came home and mom had prepared a dinner worthy of a royal family. Some relatives also came and, of course, they urged me to go to town for a drink. They were hoping that I could be their bait to catch the girls.

-And it's not difficult to force a frog into the water. - Rooster interjected and took a sip of beer with a smile.

- Let me continue. I wanted to spend some time with my dad and refused, but made a deal for the next evening. I spent the evening with my dad drinking whiskey in the garden gazebo.

- Son, I know you are on leave, but do you have someone? You are 30 years old. Do you think it's time to calm down? - asked my father.

- Dad, I don't have anyone. As always, just by the way. I think I'm destined to just be a pilot and come home when I'm on leave.

Dad accepted it with a smile, shaking his head. We talked about various topics and stayed up late into the night. Right in the morning, Leslie was knocking on the door of my room to go with Lauren to breakfast in downtown, where a new pastry shop had opened that also offered breakfast. I accepted and on the way to town I listened to their excited chatter like when children go to Disneyland.

- You'll love it. The owner is young and very talented. We are often at her place. Lauren, we have to make sure Jake doesn't get stuck in there because he'll get fat from her sweets.- Leslie said excitedly.

We found a parking lot, and I was literally dragged from one side to that pastry shop. It was called 'Lunette' and was run by a girl who had moved from Europe.

The girls chose a table on the outside terrace and ordered three coffees. They asked where I was deployed and told me what I had missed.

- Double L, what are we going to do for you? - asked the girl of indescribable beauty. I have never seen such a beautiful girl. She had an accent that suggested that English was not her first language, and she was irresistible to listen to.

-Three omelettes with crispy bacon and grilled vegetables. And to drink squeezed orange. - Lauren ordered everything for us.

- This is our brother, Jake. Jake, this is Leora. The owner of 'Lunette' is also our friend.

- Leora. Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you, your sisters adore you - she said and held out her hand to me.

I stood up and accepted her palm and just smiled because for the first time I was speechless in front of a woman.

-What is he talking about?- Amelia said confused to which everyone went like Shhh on her to shut her up.

- The story of how he met his wife. Sit next to me, later I'll tell you what you missed. - Bob explained to her and offered a seat between him and Phoenix.

- I remember that she just smiled at me because I didn't answer her. I wanted to fall into the ground in shame. She was wearing a baby blue shirt and had a navy blue apron on when I first saw her. When she left our table, Lauren immediately slapped my hand and asked why I didn't answer her.

- I blocked.

- She's a sweetheart. You could ask her out. - Leslie teased me with a mischievous smile.

- Maybe I should marry her on the first Saturday and cross that off the list.

- Imagine what their children would be like. Surely they would be beautiful like her. - Lauren said.

Leora brought our orders and smiled again. Again my sisters pestered her with questions.

- Jake, you have to try her cake with olive oil and carob. The cake is beautiful. It's not from here and you can't try it anywhere else.-Leslie excitedly explained to me.

- What do you think it's not from here?

-I come from Croatia and I made that cake as a tribute to my country and Dalmatia.- Leora explained.

- I was in Croatia. Bases 'Pleso' and 'Zemunik'. I was stationed there for 6 months.

-That's nice. Did you like it there?

-It is nice. I visited Zadar, the Krka National Park and the city of Split. - I listed the places that caught her eye. Her wide smile immediately captured my heart. I realized that in that moment I wanted to be hers. I had breakfast with my sisters and they urged me to go home. Mom was preparing a big ass Texas celebration for her son's homecoming. She invited many people and we were in the garden. Mom cooked like a pro and we simply had to taste all the dishes. That was the first day and my first meeting with my current wife.

Sugar with keroseneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя