CHAPTER 157 Malfoy Manor

Start from the beginning

It felt like hours passed in the suffocating silence of the room, each moment laden with tension and uncertainty. Then, Octavia Rosier entered the scene.

Her once golden and sunny persona had faded under the weight of her experiences, transforming her into a ghost of the person she once was.

Her golden hair, once vibrant and flowing, now appeared tangled and unkempt, and dark circles marred the skin under her eyes.

Emma's heart sank at the sight of Octavia, a wave of sorrow washing over her as she realized how much her friend had suffered.

Bellatrix's voice, tinged with impatience and suspicion, broke the silence again. "Well? You were her friend. Is this Potter?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing as she awaited Octavia's response.

Octavia's silence spoke volumes, her inner turmoil evident in the way her eyes flitted between Bellatrix's piercing stare and Emma's somber yet determined expression.

Caught between loyalty to her past friend and the fear of the repercussions of her answer, Octavia hesitated, her lips parting as if to speak but no words escaping.

Slowly, tentatively, Octavia approached Emma, her steps echoing the weight of their shared history and the unspoken complexities of their current situation.

Their eyes met, and in that fleeting moment, a whirlwind of emotions danced between them — regret, longing, and the unspoken bond of friendship struggling to survive amidst chaos.

"I don't know," Octavia finally whispered, her voice barely audible over the crackling fireplace and the tension in the room.

With a heavy sigh, she turned away, her gaze fixed on the flickering flames as if seeking solace in their warmth and light.

Emma glanced at Octavia with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. Despite the distance between them, she could sense that her friend's true self was still there, hidden beneath layers of fear and uncertainty, silently protecting her.


Draco sat in his room at Malfoy Manor, lost in thought, when the urgent entrance of his mother interrupted his solitude.

"Draco, it's Emma. She's here," Narcissa announced, her tone carrying a sense of urgency and concern.

"What?" Draco's concern spiked instantly, his mind racing with questions and apprehensions about Emma's unexpected presence at the manor.

"Emma? Here? What's happened?" he asked, already moving to get up from his seat.

Narcissa quickly stepped forward, placing a calming hand on Draco's shoulder.

"It's important that you remain composed, Draco," she advised, her voice firm but gentle. "We must handle this situation carefully to protect ourselves and our interests."

Narcissa's expression remained composed, yet a hint of concern flashed in her eyes.

"They were brought here with Harry, and other two kids," she explained calmly. "Harry and Emma appear to have been stung by what looks like a Stinging Jinx. They need you and the Rosier girl to identify them."

Draco's frustration bubbled to the surface, evident in the way he ran a hand through his hair in agitation. "They'll find out soon enough."

Narcissa nodded, understanding her son's emotions. "I know, Draco, but we must approach this with caution," she insisted. "We don't know the full extent of the situation yet."

Draco took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. "What should I do, then?" he asked, looking to his mother for guidance.

Narcissa's gaze softened as she spoke. "Wait for my signal. I will handle the initial interactions with Emma," she explained. "We need to assess the situation before making any decisions."

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