Chapter 1

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"Bed 3 is waiting for you," said Nurse John, my favorite charge nurse, as he handed me the patient's file. He's a very nice Filipino guy with 15 years of experience. He cares for everyone like his own family. Well, unless they really get on his nerves. 

I looked at the name on the file and saw Mrs. Howard's name. She's a very nice 73-year-old lady with early symptoms of dementia. She lives alone and often shows up at our hospital looking for her late husband, who unfortunately passed away at our hospital last year. We always do a quick check up on her every time she comes here to make sure she wasn't hurt or anything, because the social worker is still working on moving her to an assisted living facility.

"Hi, Mrs. Howard," I said as I opened the curtain to her bed. I can see her looking around confusedly.

"Oh hi honey, those people won't let me see my husband," she said pointing at the nurses' station. I moved towards her slowly as I reached for her hand.

"Mrs. Howard, your husband is asleep right now. That's why the nurses won't let you see him. Why don't you rest here a bit? And after that, I'll take you up to see him," I said holding her hand trying to calm her down.

I did a quick check up on her body after she finally relaxed a bit. Nothing seemed to be wrong with her, but she seemed dehydrated so I put in an order to give her some IV fluids. "I'll be back in an hour to check in on her," I told Nurse John. 

Before I could even take the next step, I heard the paramedics rushed in. "James Hunter, 32-year-old male, tachy, intra-abdominal bleeding, possible liver lac, and right-sided pneumothorax. Multi-vehicle accident on the I-5," said the paramedic in a hurry trying to get him some help. 

"20-something male, John Doe, fractured right femur, bruising to the left chest, neck injury with possible crushed larynx," another paramedic said as she pushed in another patient. He was Asian and he looked very familiar but I just couldn't remember where I've seen him. 

"I got him," said Lila,  a third year resident and my closest friend in this hospital, as she walked towards James Hunter. "Good luck with your John Doe," she added giving me a quick pat on the back as she walked pass me.

"Take him to trauma two," I stated looking at the paramedic as they quickly pushed him into the room. "There's no time to think about his name. I need to save him first," I mentally said to myself.  

"He's desatting (oxygen levels are dropping)," the nurse remarked as the patient started spatting out blood from his mouth. "Get a GlideScope," said Zia, another third year resident who I don't really get along with, as she walked in wearing her gloves. 

"You won't be able to get it in. There's blood in the way. Get the trach kit. We need to open his airway," I insisted as I looked at the nurse. "We need an attending here to supervise for a tracheotomy (surgically creating an opening to the trachea to allow air to go to the lungs). I can intubate (insertion of a tube through a person's mouth down into the trachea to open the airway). GET. THE. GLIDESCOPE," Zia declared. I watched as she failed to open his airway without a doubt.

"Get me the trach kit," I stated sternly looking at the nurse. As she hands me the trach kit she said, "Wait for the attending." 

"There's no time. If I don't do it now, he will die," I replied quickly as I slightly pushed Zia to make myself some space to work. I successfully managed to open his airway by cutting a small opening to the trachea (windpipe) and putting a tube in it. 

"Alright, he's stable," the nurse commented as the patient's vitals slowly started to become stable. "And that was badass," the nurse added. I can feel Zia glared at me as Lucas, the attending, walked in. 

"Zia prep the patient for surgery and let me talk to that badass," announced Lucas as he glanced at me. I looked at the patient as Zia gave me a fake smile and mumbled, "Serve you right," under her breath but loud enough for me to hear. I followed Lucas to a corner as I mentally prepared myself for his long lecture about following protocol. 

"Violet, you've been doing a very good job at keeping your patients alive, but you just don't know how to follow protocol. I'm going to save you the lecture this time," Lucas stated with a slight mischievous smile. I nervously stared at him trying to figure out what he was up to. 

"But I'm going to move you to PACU (Post-anesthesia Care Unit) for a month starting tomorrow. You really need to learn to follow protocol. It's there for a reason," he added before leaving me to contemplate my existence. Not a lot of residents, especially residents interested in becoming surgeons, like to work in PACU because it's pretty boring. 

I made my way to the nurses' station with heavy steps. "Do we have an ID on John Doe yet?" I asked Nurse John.

"Nope, the police are still working on it. I heard he only had his phone with him and it's broken due to the accident. He seems like a tourist. He was driving a rental car so the police are contacting the rental car company right now," Nurse John explained.

"But I thought it was a multi-vehicle accident. Why did we only get 2 patients?" I questioned. "It's because half was taken to another hospital. They only had minor injuries and the police suspect the accident was intentional caused by them," Nurse John replied.

"Interesting... so the police just wanted the victims sent here for safety reasons. That was a good judgement call," I stated as Nurse John nodded in agreement.   

 I went on with my day accepting my fate at the PACU for a month. 

The next day, I was on my way to the PACU (Post-anesthesia Care Unit) when a lady from the hospital administration approached me. "Can I have a word with you?" she asked.

"Sure," I replied nervously with many questions in my mind as I followed her to her office. "Please have a seat," she said with a straight face. I just couldn't read her mind. I don't know what kind of trouble I'm in. Did Lucas reported me for yesterday's incident?

I was lost in my thoughts when she handed me a file and stated, "You need to sign this." I confusedly looked at the paper and saw the words "Non-Disclosure Agreement."

"What is this exactly?" I questioned confusedly. "The John Doe that you treated in the ER (emergency room) yesterday turned out to be a really famous Kpop star. The nurse who was prepping him for surgery recognized him and we were able to contact his agency without any commotion. His agency wants everyone involved in his treatment to sign this form to make sure none of his personal informations are leaked," she explained.

"A famous Kpop star? What is he doing here alone?" I asked trying to figure out the situation. I used to be a huge Kpop fan when I was in high school. I slowly lost interest when I stopped having spare time as I started med-school. I barely know any Kpop star these days. The last time I watched a music video was probably 10 years ago.

"Yes, his name is Kim Taehyung from BTS. Apparently, they are the epitome of pop music phenomenon these days. Even my daughters are huge fans. Allegedly, he was here on a secret vacation when he was unexpected chased by his obsessive fans," she replied. That's when everything clicked in my head. No wonder he looked so familiar when I first saw his face yesterday. I was a huge BTS fan when they first debuted in 2013. I even went to their concert in 2015. Damn... they are so popular now. Oh well, that doesn't change anything. My life doesn't have the word "fun" in it anymore.

"This is stupid because he's already protected by HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)," I remarked when I came back to my senses.

"Well, it's not because HIPAA would make you face criminal penalties but this would make you go bankrupt with a $2 million fine," she responded pointing out the penalty on the non-disclosure agreement.

"Smart," I commented as I quickly signed the form to get back to work. 

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