Babysitting (Chapter 11)

Start from the beginning

"Я думал, что сказал вам, ребята, присмотреть за ней." (I thought I told you guys to keep an eye on her.)

I quickly opend my eyes to meet the four countries and the fifith was R.E, he was sitting on a chair across another one which was accupied by the Austrian Empire (A.E). R.E's back was facing me, maybe just maybe he didn't hear me.

'He did' 


(3rd Person POV)

As Courtney was turning around to unlock the door with the least amount of noise as possible, the big Russian country spoke up.

"Как вы думаете, куда вы идете?" (Where do you think you're going?) He asked while his back is still facing Courtney.

Courtney didn't respond, her hand was now resting on the door knob. Courtney isn't really slick around R.E, R.E sees Courtney as his own son, Soviet but way more chaotic and speedy. For some reson R.E was one of the countries she feared, she doesn't know why but she can sence a dark energy around the Russian country. Courtney was about to walk out as she twisted the door knob, the country spoke again.

"Святая Римская Империя уже ждет вас, бежать нет смысла."  (Holy Roman Empire is already waiting for you , there is no point in running.) He said getting up from his chair, turning around.

Courtney also turned around on her heels, facing the empire looking straight at him. R.E thought he seen her face before when his father ruled the country, Tsardom of Russia or Tsardom. R.E wasn't sure if it is her,  the picture in his memory was blury. R.E started to walked a bit closer to Courtney while the other countries stood still, R.E was only a few feets away from her. Courtney was about to twist the door knob and run out but she was met with another country behind her. Without any hesitation she pushed past Holy Roman Empire (HRE) just to get pinned down by R.E.

"Я же говорил тебе, что бежать бесполезно." (I told you there's no point in running.) said R.E as he picked Courtney up.

Courtney was still holding the bag of poppers, she smiled at the tall Empire and threw a popper at R.E's foot. He imedeitlay dropped her on the ground and Courtney ran toward the stairs with HRE and the rest of the countries after her. The stairs were long and the countries were catching up, Courtney threw a few more poppers at them and ran at a faster pace. Once she reached to the top of the stairs, she drop two poppers down slowing down the countries after her. 


(Austrian Empire) 

What was that all about, everything happened so fast. First R.E talked to me that they brought home a strange human child, I wanted to meet them. R.E also wanted me to take away my son's driving license, those fools let my son drive, how are they not dead already. After a few laughters  Ottoman, Bulgaria and my son came into the room and asked R.E if they seen the kid they brought in. R.E was looking pissed that they weren't looking after the child when he orderd them to babysit them, I wouldn't trust a child with those three. My son can barely see, although he is only 80 percent blind, while R.E was yelling at them a human barrged in the door. My guess is its the strange child they caught and now trying to find in the house, the kid was a small female around the age 10-12. She tried to run but met HRE, she pushed him and got pinned down by R.E. I got a good look at her when R.E single handed pick her up by her weird clothing, deffenitaly not from here. Then chaos happend she threw something on R.E's shoes that souned like a firework that Qing dynasty (Qing) showed us. R.E droped her and the child ran to the stairs while everyone followed her execpt me and R.E. 

"Did it hurt?" I asked, I got hit by a fire work and it burned me badly.

"Нет, это не причинило никакого вреда." ( No, it didn't do any harm.) he said.

I walked with him to the 3rd floor where the child ran up, we asked eachother questions about our health economy and childeren. R.E still doesn't have a good relationship with his son, I tried to get them to become closer like me and my son. Nothing works, R.E was always cold to his son so he returned the favor back to him. When we react to the floor, I remebered I haven't say hello to my other fellow friends. We entered a room at the end of a hallway, there was a very large table. France and Britian was sitting on one side and America and Luxembrouge was sitting on the opssite side and sitting at the head chair was G.E. They all waved at use with one hand and the other hand was holding cards, right now Britian was losing. G.E doesn't have any cards so he was watching them, me and R.E sat down and waited for the game to end. At the end France was the winner, G.E was starting a new game when the doors where kicked opend, and the same child came in. She looked very tired, soon after Bulgaria, Otto, Prussia and my son came running in.

"Congrats, wow you caught me now leave me alone I am tired of running in this huge castle." The child walked toward us while the countries were confused of what just happend, she saw the deck of cards and I saw her eyes lit up. "Oooo, what game are you playing? Poker, BlackJack, War, slapjack or 500 rum?" 

I was surpirsed that even know how to play those card games, I asked her if she wanted to join and she gladly accpected. The others joined as well expect A-H, not because he couldn't play he just didn't feel like it today.  We have ten people playing now and we all decided on 'Texas Hold'em ' .


(2030 words)

Ediited and Replublished

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