Chapter 8: Winter Solstice, Part: 2: Avatar Roku

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The scene opens to a full moon in the sky. The camera pans down and shows Senlin Village during early morning hours. Cut to a view from among the houses, slowly zooming in on Anne who tries to get Appa to move, yanking on the reins, though the bison continually refuses and sits down

Anne: "Let's go, Appa! Come on, boy!" Appa roars in protest and sits down "Look I'm sorry, but Katara, Sokka and Y/n aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us. If they got hurt, I'd never forgive myself So get your big butt off the ground and let's go!"

she jerks at the reins, stretching them out, but is flung to the ground when the ropes pull him back as Appa did not move a muscle. 

Sokka: "I think his big butt is trying to tell ya something"

Sokka speaks drawing the airbenders attention as she sees her friends

Katara: "Please don't go Anne. The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation. Neither can we"

Anne: "But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what my vision means! I need to get to the Fire Temple before the sun sets on the solstice. That's today"

Y/n: "I don't think your understanding us, Anne. We aren't going to stop you we're coming with you" he smiles "If you are going to the fire nation it's best to have some backup especially from your friends"

Momo perches on Anne's shoulder while Cinder lads on her other one nuzzling her cheek, appa then licks Sokka affectionately.

Sokka: "Ew!"

Village leader: "It's a long journey to the Crescent Island" Hands Anne a small bundle "You'll have to fly fast to have any chance of making it before sundown. Good luck"

Anne: "Thank you for your-"

Village leader: "GO!"

He interrupts signaling appa to take off flying into the sky. After a bit of flying day has come as Appa soars over the ocean. Anne, Katara, Sokka and Y/n all watch the ocean fearfully. 

Meanwhile not to far behind is Zuko and Iroh who are tracking the group. 

Iroh: "Sailing into Fire Nation waters ... Of all the foolish things you've done in your sixteen years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish!"

Zuko: "I have no choice, uncle"

Iroh: "Have you completely forgotten that the fire lord banished you? What if you're caught?"

Zuko: "I'm chasing the Avatar! My father will understand why I am returning home! I'm also trying to get my friend back, second avatar or not my father will understand!"

Iroh: "You give him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type, especially when it comes to Y/n"

Zuko: he looks into a telescope spotting appa in the sky "There they are. Helmsman! Full steam ahead!"

In appas saddle 

Katara: she spot Zuko's ship "Anne, we've got trouble"

Sokka: "And it's gaining fast"

Zuko's ship brings out a catapult and launches a flaming ball at team avatar who manages to avoid it. Unfortunately they have more problems as they are headed straight for a blockade of fire nation ships. On one ship is Genral Zaho who sees them all approaching. 

Anne: "If we fly north, we can go around the Fire Nation ships and avoid the blockade! It's the only way."

Katara: "There's no time!"

Anne: "This is exactly why I didn't wan't you to come. It's too dangerous"

Katara: "And that's exactly why we're here"

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