Searing Burns of Yearning

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(Enfield P.O.V)

"You'll never leave me..right?" Enfield asked, fiddling with her digits nervously.

The silver and green Femme in front of her smiled, her denta gleaming. She grabbed Enfield's servo and brought her into a hug.

"Of course not! Yeah this war may be bad but I won't leave!" She exclaimed, and Enfield smiled nervously.


Enfield glared at the empty space in front of her.


Enfield flew amongst the clouds of the deep dark night. She had to admit, the dark times of Earth were incredibly beautiful. The bright bluish moon reminded her of who she was looking for..Starscream. She had made a deal with Soundwave, that he would cover for her absence as an Energon scouting mission, while she gave him a great place to confess.


After negotiating what Enfield could do for Soundwave, the TIC had brought up his guilty feelings for Shockwave's Minicon. (poor Shockwave has like- zero plot to this story XD-) Enfield wasn't shocked, but rather pleasantly surprised.

After the three weeks after Y/n had been confined to the Nemesis, lots of things had happened. First of all, the Autobots had gained the coordinates to the Iacon database after Megatron had ever so foolishly fed the Nemesis Dark energon and it came to life. Everyone was frozen by a weird stasis gun. Enfield was enraged that the Autobots had gained vital information.

Though when the Nemesis did start talking, Y/n full on left the ship in a state of "I'm too tired for this slag.". Which was hilarious but now Y/n was confined to be under Knockout's constant supervision. Which meant Enfield had to fulfil this journey alone. She was going to find Starscream, and she was going to bring him back to the Decepticons. Her burning undeniable love for the SIC had made her desperate for his company.

At times though, she wondered why she felt affection for him. He was selfish, and cruel, but she loved him. Why? Enfield shook the thought off, and powered on her radar, nothing. Enfield sighed, and decided to land for a while, catch her breath and figure out where to go next. Enfield then steered down into a deep and crowded forest before shifting into her other form and landing.

It was quite uncomfortable, with her wings getting caught in the trees, and her pedes getting snagged by roots. Though it kept her hidden, from humans and hopefully Autobots. Enfield decided to clear a little area and sat down, and gathered her running thoughts. So far she's investigated where she last saw Starscream, and where she last saw Arachnid. Where else could he be? That's when her processor suddenly went bright. The ship. When she, Airachnid and Starscream were supposed to go retrieve the weapon, it was on a ship, the Harbinger.

So either Arachnid or Starscream was there she was sure. Enfield activated her map, she was quite the ways away from the place, but Enfield couldn't care, she would travel worlds if it meant finding her true lord and master, Megatron be damned, as the humans would say. That was probably the only thing that Y/n and Enfield would -rarely- argue about. Enfield didn't like Megatron, not one bit, she believed that Starscream would suffice as a leader, and a lover...Though Y/n thought otherwise.

But in the end Enfield respected Y/n's decision. Enfield stood up and stretched her wings before taking flight again, heading straight for the Harbinger. The sky stretched out above Enfield in a series of blues and purples and pinks. It was honestly beautiful. When this war is over, and we reclaim Cybertron, maybe Star and I can go asteroid shooting. Asteroid shooting was a common sport and sometimes career amongst the Seekers in Vos, going out and shooting away the approaching asteroids. It was fun, and Enfield was a pro at it. While Enfield's thoughts went on, she wondered what Y/n's life was like on Cybertron.

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