Dripping Ice

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Y/n: Your name

N/n: Nickname

F/c: Favourite colour

F/A: Favourite animal

Fr/c: Frame colour

O/c: Optic colour

And here is the playlist for Y/n:

Edited: 3/21/24

(Enfield P.O.V)

Enfield limped lightly as she made her way to the main bridge, with Y/n walking somehow perfectly normal beside her. Their hood was tugged a little closer to their shadowed faceplates, curved horns peeking out from the confines of the cloak.

Enfield looked over at the gash that was slashed across their tank, the welded patch being obvious, shiny against their recently buffed finish. I wonder how painful that was. As soon as Y/n was hit by that blade she buckled under the pure pain, and the sudden loss of energon. Yet Y/n didn't complain once, they may be ever so slightly emotionless but they were strong.

Enfield admired that. She also remembered the strange body language Soundwave had as he came back through the ground bridge with an unconscious Y/n held gently yet securely in his tendrils.

Enfield let out a yelp of pain as her leg was slashed by Arcee. But the gray and yellow Minicon managed to elbow her in the tank and then kick her back. She then focused her missile fire on Bumblebee, though he shot her down with ease. Enfield was panicking. She was going to die.

With her little adrenaline left she hobbled over to Y/n who was kneeled down with energon pooling below her. Enfield was panicking as she brought out her ruby red plasma blasters. Though before she could fire the Autobots retreated.

Enfield paused before she stumbled on her leg in pain. But before she could collapse someone seized her and held her up in what a human would call 'bridal style'. She blinked a couple of times before recognizing a panicking Starscream rushing Enfield over to the ground bridge. Enfield groaned in pain and shifted in Starscream's grasp, Her wings trembling.

"Thank-" She went to speak.

"Quiet, don't waste your energy." Starscream snapped, and her wires vibrated violently as she was brought through the ground bridge.

She merely hummed in reply and nuzzled herself into the Lord's chest, her wings fluttering. The pain seemed to disappear as he dashed through the bridge and practically threw Enfield onto one of the berths in the medbay. Knockout was quick to stop the bleeding on the slash in her leg. Though she would have to rest for a while.

Then, stomping sounded and the three of the Con's turned towards the medbay door to see a terrifying Soundwave stomp through the doors. He brushed past a protesting Starscream and Knockout and came right up to Enfield. The Communications officer looked around the room before his optics landed on Enfield again who gulped. He then lit up his visor and began to play a recording.

"Statement: Y/n location." The chopped up voices demanded, and Enfield winced.

"I think they're still on the battlefield, but they're injured!" Enfield remembered.

Soundwave didn't waste a moment of a nano click of a moment, turning away and striding away instantly at Enfield's statement. Not a moment later he returned to the medbay with a unconscious Y/n in his tendrils, energon dripping out of their gash. Knockout's optics widened.

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