Chapter 2

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Fierce rolled around in his nest, because it's uncomfortable. ''Ugh- hmm...'' Keen was already awake and tried to wake up Fierce. ''Hey, I told you, you can't sleep like that, idiot!'' Fierce opened his eyes to see Keen bringing him a ball of moss. ''Thanks, Keen,'' Fierce began. ''Do we have any patrols today?'' Keen thought for a moment. ''Yes... Ember asked me to patrol the borders with you. You can rest, I'm not afraid to go alone.'' He walked out of the den, but Fierce stopped him. ''I will come with you,'' He thought about the dream again. Should I tell him? No! ''What if we find that phoenix on our patrol? We... Should be prepared!'' He didn't want to say anything about Twinkle. ''Okay, come on.'' Two chicks were playing in the clearing, right where Fierce walked. He didn't notice them, because he was thinking about Twinkle, until he bumped into them. ''Hey! We're playing here!'' Feather yelled. ''Can you move?'' Fierce looked surprised. ''I'm sorry!'' He ran off to catch up with Keen. ''Luckily we will be To-Bes soon, right, Beak?'' He said behind Fierce's back. ''Yeah, Feather. I hope we don't get to be Cave-Guards like those idiots! They can't even take on a phoenix To-Be!'' Beak laughed. Ember overheard Feather- and Beak's conversation. ''You guys are going to be Cave-Guards if you keep being mean! Fierce only made a tiny mistake. That's all!'' Feather immediately felt bad. ''I- I'm sorry, Ember!'' Ember looked at Beak. ''It- It- It wasn't my fault! Feather was the one-'' Feather pushed him, causing him to stop talking. ''I- I mean- I'm sorry!'' Beak bowed his head in respect. ''Good.''

''Hey, Keen, what would happen if a griffin is friends with a phoenix?'' Fierce asked the other Cave-Guard. ''Are you crazy? They would be exiled!'' Does that mean Twinkle and I will be rogues? As he daydreamed, he bumped into a tree. Keen wanted to know what was up with him. ''Hey, what's wrong?'' Fierce got up, ignoring the pain. ''Nothing, I'm fine! Would you mind training alone for a while? I- I have... I need to collect some herbs for Roar! Yes, herbs.'' Fierce ran into the bush where he met Twinkle last time. I sure have a weird friend. Keen thought and smiled at him. ''Hey... Twinkle?'' Twinkle heard her name and suddenly appeared behind him as he turned to the bush he came from. He turned around to see the flower field and Twinkle standing behind him. ''Hey- Hi, Twinkle!'' Twinkle looked cautiously at him. ''Hey, Fierce! Do you want to practise battle moves? I'm becoming a Cave-Guard too! Gaze, our leader told me. Coal, my brother will be a Prey-Hunter. Gaze says that he is fast and nimble.'' Fierce thought about when he and Keen were To-Bes. ''That's awesome, Twinkle! Do you want to learn some moves I learned from my mentor? She is in the Tribe of Stars now... I miss her. She was kind and smart!'' They have been training for hours now. Keen was growing impatient. ''Fierce? What are you doing? Where are you?'' He walked through the bush, even though he knows there might be danger. He stayed alert for any type of ambush. ''Fierce- Who is that?'' He looked at Twinkle in surprise. ''Oh, hi! You must be Keen!'' She said. ''Twinkle!'' Fierce didn't know what to say. Keen and Twinkle stared at each other for a moment until Twinkle spoke. ''Sometimes, I eat mother bugs in front of their children.'' Keen looked at Fierce, confused. ''Didn't I tell you that this is dangerous?!''

''I know! I'm sorry, Keen. It just happened so fast, I-''

''Enough. We should head back to camp. It's getting late.''

''You're not going to tell Ember, are you?'' Just the sound of her name made him blush.

''Of course not. I know how dumb you are and I'm not going to let you suffer alone. I know how much you like her. Its so obvious.'' The sound of the vines caught Feather off guard. ''Now, say sorry to him.'' Ember told Feather. He walked up to Fierce, nervously. ''I- I'm sorry for acting so rude.'' Fierce knew that he only made a mistake and understood. ''I forgive you, just don't do it again!'' Ember stood up on the tallest rock. ''Cave-Guards, Prey Hunters and To-Bes, gather beneath this rock for a Tribe meeting!'' She waited for all of them to gather and spoke. ''Feather, my son, will be a To-Be this evening. Step up if you would like to be his mentor. I will choose wisely.'' Fierce and Thunder both took a step forward at the same time. ''Hey, Fierce, good luck.'' Thunder wished him. ''You too.'''

I hope Thunder will be able to make him a good Prey Hunter. He doesn't want to be a Cave-Guard, so Fierce has no chance. ''Thunder,'' Ember began. ''Will you pass all that you have learned from your past Prey Hunter mentor to this To-Be?''

''Yes, Ember, I will!'' Thunder was happy to finally have his first To-Be. Fierce looked happily at him. ''I hope you will raise him well,'' He said while smiling at the To-Be. ''He- He has a lot to learn.'' Everyone was cheering for him. Thunder is a good Prey Hunter.

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