"I don't remember you. I don't have a memory to attach to you...but...I have this feeling. It's like...my head has forgotten you. But, my heart has not," she whispers. Austin has to clench his jaw to stop himself from crying. That's all he needs to win her back. Just one tiny feeling and the rest will follow. He believes that with everything he has. "Show me this something cool you were talking about," she says standing up. Austin stands up too and then leads her into the kitchen and to the large sliding doors that lead out to be backyard and patio. He grins and wriggles his eyebrows before he slides open the doors and stands to the side. Cleo gives him a funny look and then steps outside. She stands on the patio and scans the backyard.

"Are those...are those lama's?"


"How many are there?"

"Eleven," Austin says walking across the patio and onto the grass. Cleo follows him - he knew she would never be able to resist getting close to them. Luckily they are all very tame, they are pets. "Why do you have so many lama's?" she asks reaching out and stroking one. "You demanded it. You wanted to get one for every year we were married. So on our anniversary every year you go searching online and buy a Lama. It's ridiculous...but then again we have established you impulse buy," Austin says hugging one of the lamas. "No, I think we can both agree that lama purchases are a necessity and responsible spending," Cleo says turning and stroking another lama.

"Agreed. That little one is your newest one. He doesn't have a name yet. You got him only a few months ago."

"A few months ago? Our wedding anniversary?"


"How did we meet?"

Austin bites the inside of his cheek. He is not sure he should tell her more information today. She has had a very busy day with a ton of new information and things being thrown at her. Their meeting up had been good and it's a memory he likes to let play on his mind from time to time. He wants to share it with her, it is one of her memories too after all, but he does not want to push too hard. "I think you may have had enough information for one day. I will tell you tomorrow," he says.

"Was it bad?"

"Not at all."

"Please tell me."


"Austin, I know you are protective over me and you are trying to be careful. I appreciate that, I do. But, trust works both ways. You want me to trust you and I do, however, I need you to trust me too. I think I know my limitations."

Austin smiles and watches her as he strokes the neck of one of the lamas. If you asked him to list the things he loves about her, you would be writing for days. He has a long list. But, one of his favorite things is that Cleo is not a pushover. Like anyone, she has her moments of weakness when fear creeps up her spine. But, for the most part, she is a bold confident woman who is not afraid to speak her mind. She is Cleo. She is the same as she was ten years ago, only now more beautiful with age and with a little memory loss.

"You want a detailed version?"

"Yes. I want every single detail. I want to feel like I was there," she says sitting down on the grass, the lama's moving closer and settling down next to her like big ugly dogs. Austin chuckles and then sits down across from her.

"OK. Well, you fell in love first-"


"OK, fine. I fell first - but you were close behind..."

Austin can't push down his nervousness. This is his second LA party since arriving in LA from Texas. At bearly 18 he had packed his bags and moved miles away from home in the pursuit of following a music dream. He was not surprised to find a ton of other kids his age who had done the same thing, but he is different. At least that's what his father has always told him and if you know anything about his father - he is a very wise man. Maybe this whole pipe dream is just that - a pipe dream. But, he is determined to give it everything he has before going back to Texas with his tail between his legs. So that brings us to the LA party and his nervousness. To most, an LA party is just the opportunity to get drunk and have a good time. To Austin, it is the opportunity to meet someone who could get him through that dam music door. A manager or producer, or even a musician with a bit of pull. Either way, LA parties are business deals and opportunities just waiting to happen. Tonight he is feeling extra nervous because he has this feeling like something big is going to happen. He has this feeling in his gut that he is going to meet someone tonight who is going to change his world.

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